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Colleen Mauro: Spiritual Telepathy

Colleen Mauro: Spiritual Telepathy

In her book, she draws on a variety of spiritual traditions and explains how the new science validates these ancient teachings. She shares her own experiences and introduces us to others who have also used these practices.

Most of the books on this topic are written in dense and arcane language. Colleen Mauro’s goal is to make these teachings accessible to a wider audience and to provide us with a step-by-step method for building our bridge to the soul.

In an interview with OMTimes Magazine, Colleen Mauro describes this bridge building in detail and explains how we can become pioneers in the next stage of human development.


Exclusive Interview with Colleen Mauro

OMTimes: Your book is titled Spiritual Telepathy. Can you define this term?

Colleen Mauro: In the book, I describe the three types of telepathy: instinctual or feeling-based telepathy, mental or mind-to-mind telepathy and spiritual, or soul-to-soul telepathy. Spiritual telepathy can be defined as communication from the subtle worlds, from our own souls or from higher beings. Communication from the subtle levels is always telepathic. We don’t audibly hear the information; it is dropped into our brains where it is interpreted and used.

See Also

OMTimes: What will readers learn by reading your book?

Colleen Mauro: The book provides both the theory and a step-by-step mind training practice designed help readers build their bridge to the soul—and through the soul, to the higher worlds.

I have always been very touched—and envious—when reading about people who have the ability to communicate with the higher worlds. Joan of Arc, for example, talked to saints and angels, Eileen Caddy received guidance that lead to the founding of the Findhorn community in Scotland, and the botanist George Washington Carver walked in the woods each morning to talk to God. It’s always stirred a longing in me, and I’ve always wondered, is it only special people—people more evolved than I am—who can have these experiences? Is it somehow preordained? By immersing myself in this topic, I discovered that we can all cultivate this ability.

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