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Colleen Mauro: Spiritual Telepathy

Colleen Mauro: Spiritual Telepathy

OMTimes: You write that the experience of soul contact physically alters our brains. How? Is there any scientific evidence for this claim?

Colleen Mauro: According to the Wisdom teachings, when information from the soul flows into the brain, both the pineal and pituitary glands are activated. The downpouring energy from the soul has an effect on the physical structure of the brain, making it easier, over time, to register information from the subtle planes.

In the last ten years, neuroscientists have studied the effect of contemplative practices on the brain. Their research has confirmed that mental training can and does bring about observable changes in our brains. In How God Changes Your Brain, neuroscientist Andrew Newberg describes the neurological changes associated with higher states of consciousness: “If you contemplate God long enough, something surprising happens in the brain. Neural functioning begins to change. Different circuits become activated, while others become deactivated. New dendrites are formed, new synaptic connections are made, and the brain becomes more sensitive to subtle realms of experience.”

Rick Hanson, a neuropsychologist and the author of Buddha’s Brain, has also written about the effect of higher states on the brain. As Hanson puts it, “Mental activity leaves lasting marks on the brain—much like a spring shower leaves tracks on a hillside . . . as neurons wire together, structure builds in the brain.”

OMTimes: You also write that the experience we call genius comes from our contact with the subtle worlds. Can you explain?

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Colleen Mauro: The wisdom teachings tell us that the soul is the portal or gateway to the higher worlds. When we make contact with the soul, we have access to the universal or divine mind, the storehouse of all wisdom and knowledge.

Higher Creativity, written by the late Willis Harman, the former president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, is one of my all-time favorite books. Harman looked at the biographies of many artists, writers, composers, scientists and inventors and discovered that their greatest achievements came from an intuitive breakthrough.

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