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You Are Psychic

You Are Psychic


At one time or another, we’ve all had some psychic experiences in our lives. Yes, it’s true that some people have more psychic ability than others, yet we’re all born psychic. It’s as much your birthright as anybody else’s. This natural soul ability is not purely limited to those transcended masters, or to people who have devoted a lifetime to studying this and practicing meditation. It’s not about fortune telling, crystal balls, or predicting the future. To be intuitive or psychic is not just something we possess. It’s more a way of being.

Put simply, the word psychic is from the Greek word, psychos, meaning “of the soul.” By definition, it means that as spiritual beings, we are able to access, receive, and transmit information that reaches beyond our physical body and our natural five senses.

Psychic ability is not a gift that’s exclusive to any particular group. The North American Indians have always had a strong belief in the after-life and their own soul powers. In the southern hemisphere, Aborigines have been known to possess heightened telepathic strengths, which enable them to communicate telepathically with each other over many miles. Also, in the East, children are educated from an early age about the spiritual energy systems of the human body and its centers.

As I describe and teach in my best seller, Psychic Navigator – Harnessing Your Inner Guidance, we are all equipped with a complex and highly tuned inner guidance system, which we can regularly tap in to, using our intuitive and psychic abilities. Receiving psychic information is all about energy. Everything is made up of energy. People, places, and even objects store energy. And, since you too are energy, you can receive and read information via your psychic senses.

Being psychic is like a television. We all know that you can’t see TV signals through the airways (as they are vibrating at such a high frequency), yet we know they’re being transmitted. Our television sets receive these signals and in a way, they’re descrambled to form a picture on our screens. So, it’s the same logic when it comes to psychic energy. We receive information constantly through our psychic senses and the result is an impression or feeling that we didn’t receive via our physical senses. As we develop our psychic strengths, we get better at the descrambling.

Whether we like it or not, we live in a world of hi-technology communication, computers, and email mania, digital this and digital that, and we’re almost being forced to accept it, even though it seems like a mystery to figure out how it all works. Mysteries can be intriguing, but when it comes to working with your psychic abilities, by understanding and learning the mechanics of how it functions, it will no longer remain an unknown factor in your life.

This ability can be harnessed and trained. It can become an unlimited resource for wisdom and guidance, which will greatly assist you to intuitively navigate your way through life. Developing your psychic abilities only takes a commitment to yourself, and a commitment to understanding and learning how to live in partnership with your own inner guidance.


John’s Lesson

When it comes to developing your natural psychic intuitive abilities, I always tell my students to start off small and to please have some fun with it! Your psychic ability is just like a muscle. The more you work it – the stronger it will become.

Here are just a few simple ways to stretch, develop, and practice using your psychic abilities:

First acknowledge that you are, in fact, psychic.

Try to meditate so that you can tune out the outside world and begin to listen to your inner self.

If you work or live in a building where there are elevators, ask yourself which elevator door is going to open first?

Before signing on to your email, ask yourself how many new messages will be in your inbox.

Try to guess before you go into work what colors your boss or a certain co-worker will be wearing.

If the phone rings, before you look at the caller id, see if you can guess who is calling.

If you have a hunch – go for it! See if you were right or wrong.

When you receive a utility bill in the mail, again try to guess the figure you owe on the bill before you open it.

See Also

Keep a dream journal and begin to record your dreams and intuitive hunches and hits. That way you can review in the future and see how far you have come.

These are just a few simple ways to begin. You can make up your own, and remember that your psychic ability wants to know how it can help you. All you have to do is begin to ask and trust.

Also know that we all receive psychic information in different ways. Some people feel (clairsentience), some may hear (clairaudience), and some will see (clairvoyant).

I hope these tips will assist you, and begin to lead you down the path to harness your inner guidance. My style of teaching and the content I use is certainly not the only way, but it’s worked for me and is based on what I’ve learned. I encourage you to read, to reach out, and understand even more.

You may be attracted to a certain subject that will open a window or door that was closed before, or something may resonate with you to pursue that subject even further. Whatever it is, I congratulate you on searching for what feels right for you.

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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