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Angelic Healing of the Inner Child

Angelic Healing of the Inner Child


The 12 Archangels, mentors of our challenging education here on Schoolroom Earth, ask us to take an objective look at our limiting circumstances. When we have the awareness that there is a powerful inner child communicating through these frustrating experiences, we can develop grater compassion for others. The 12 Archangels tell us that the inner child is the magical doorway to both the subconscious and the past, as well as to the superconscious and the future.

The inner child is God’s Child. God’s Child has two aspects. The wounded child and the divine child, that work in unity to help us heal from the past and evolve into more conscious and unconditionally loving human beings. God’s Child within, has the full verbal capacity of an adult while having the memory and experience of an ageless mystic. Connecting with this inner healer and sage is as easy as holding the intention to visualize this child and have a conversation. He or she may resemble the way we looked as a child. If we do not conjure up an instant image of the immortal child within, we can look to a favorite childhood photo and have a conversation with the little person in the image.

Communicating with our most deep and intelligent self can take patience and practice. Why is this activity work our focused effort? The all-knowing and all-seeing inner child is very real and powerful. Gaining access to his or her clear insight is what will shift our perspectives, and our lives, from stuck-in-a-rut to moving forward.

When we feel stuck in a seemingly unchanging pattern of experience, such as financial struggle or difficulty in attracting the right mate, we can ask our inner child to tell us what we need to forgive or understand about the past, including our buried subconscious beliefs. The wounded child is trying to protect us in an outdated way and until we feel, in every cell of our being, that we are completely safe, the wounded child will not allow the full transformation of the old behavior pattern.

The 12 Archangels tell us to ask God for what we need!

By asking to be filled with the feeling that we are safe, loved, and wanted, we empower the wounded child to reveal the root cause of the issue. The joyful news is that discovering the truth can feel incredibly liberating. Once we acknowledge the pain and forgive the injustice, we do let it go. As many of us have experienced, this healing happens in layers because the subconscious has a special way of storing similar, painful experiences in a thick “brick wall” of resistance. Miracles of transformation happen when we call on the help of the 12 Archangels. These amazing teachers add their love and energy to our own, and together, we can pierce through the old wall and dissolve it. We must replace the ancient fortress of self-protection that defends the wounded child with a positive force field of LOVE. A force field of LOVE allows the divine child to radiate strength and self-respect out into our environment and attract the same vibration of love and respect back to us. With our focused intention and the help of the Angels, we can disassemble the long-suffering past and make room for a love-filled and happier future.

As the past clears, we will find it easier to hear the crystal clear wisdom of the divine aspect of the inner child. A question to ask the child within that facilitates this awakening is, “What situation or outcome am I trying to control with my ego, that if I can surrender and let it go, I would make it much easier for my soul to attract me to exactly what I need?”

As we experience receiving what we need and desire, the wounded child feels safer, and the bricks are easier to dissolve. Hence, we experience the glorious cycle of healing our human psyche; we support the inner child to release the past through our conscious willingness, which then naturally brings us a better future. As we experience greater joy and abundance, the wounded child feels safe to purge deeper and deeper layers of hurt and loss, and so the cycle of healing continues. With each turn of the subconscious-superconscious wheel, we move our lives forward in a dreams-come-true direction!

The 12 Archangels say that the smartest thing we can do is to ask God’s Child to tell us some good news about the future. The child within us knows our biggest dreams and whether or not these dreams are ready to launch and create a new reality for us. We can ask our divine child to reveal the future that we are currently in the process of creating and, if it is not what we desire, we can ask for the help of our higher selves, guardian angels, and the 12 Archangels to change it. The superconscious mind, God’s Child at the highest vibration, has the key to the door of the future. Ask the child within to open the door and the door shall be opened!


See Also

Guided imagery exercise:

Close your eyes and breathe in deeply. See an impressive purple door directly in front of you. The door has a crystal doorknob and everything about the purple door feels exciting and magical. Knock at the door. Feel the coolness of the doorknob and open the door. You will enter into a beautiful green meadow filled with flowers. A child is standing on the path, just ahead, and he or she is looking forward to taking you to the ancient fortress.

The old castle is made of crumbling bricks and some of the walls are in ruins. An enormous Sapphire Angel appears on your right. Archangel Michael calls the other 12 Archangels of the Central Sun to join you. Watch them as they appear as a glorious circle of color. They will help you and the child within your heart to dissolve the old fortress of pain and loss. See the Angels surround the fortress and listen as they sing. They will shower the fortress with Divine Love and it will vanish!

Once the fortress is gone, the Angels will continue to shower you with the Rainbow Energy of Divine Love. Focus on the open space where the old castle used to be and ask to see an image that tells you about the future. Thank your inner child and the angels for helping you.

Celebrate the natural wonder of God’s Child who lives within beautiful YOU and give thanks for your new and amazing future!

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