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Trust Your Gut and Intuition

Trust Your Gut and Intuition


Many of us, at one time or another fail to heed our gut and intuition, have walked into a room and instantly knew that we didn’t like the vibe, or after meeting someone new, immediately knew whether we liked them or not; or after making a decision, knew that the choice somehow felt wrong.

Your body is one big psychic antenna, and will constantly pick up information from the psychic atmosphere around you. Your body is trying to help give you information that may not necessarily be right in front of your eyes.

It could be a fluttering in your stomach, a shiver up your back, hairs standing on end, or a subtle warming sensation that comes over your body. These are just a few examples of how your natural body guidance system sends you messages. They could be positive messages that are meant for you to move forward, or they could be a messages warning you to stop or go the other way with a decision. Only you can determine what your body is sending.


Listening to Our Gut and Intuition


But many of us do not listen to the signs our body is sending, because we have become disconnected from our very own body. When you disconnect from the body, from our gut and intuition, you disconnect from the universal source and your own natural intuition.

For example, I remember when I made the mistake of not listening to my own body–my gut and intuition. I was about to drive 200 miles to give a demonstration of mediumship. The organizers were expecting a large audience. Several days before, I kept getting a nagging feeling in my stomach to call them and make sure that everything was okay, and to check that they had all the sound equipment for the evening. Instead, my rational mind kicked in, and said, “No John, they’re professional, they’ve done this hundreds of times before, so let it go.”

Of course, this was one of those occasions when I should have really listened to my gut and intuition. I arrived to find out that they had a broken microphone system, a child’s stool (only 12 inches high) for me to sit on, and no air conditioning on a night when the temperature was near 90 degrees. This particular intuition spotlight was so powerful it could have lit up New York City!

I should have have honored and trusted my feelings and followed through with the decision to call them. By doing so, I could have saved a lot of aggravation for myself, and the poor staff who rushed around trying to fix everything. I vowed to myself that I would not make that mistake again.


John’s Lesson


Lynn Robinson, a colleague of mine who’s an intuitive business consultant, teaches intuition to Fortune 500 company executives and their employees. Some of these employees had never worked with their gut and intuition, and found it hard to articulate their experience.

They hadn’t realized the rich resource of information that could be accessed through their gut and intuition. Lynn teaches them to imagine the decisions and choices in front of them, one by one. In some cases these were: “Should I proceed with this project?” “Is this person right for the job?” “Should I hire more staff, etc.?”

Then, they have to ask themselves, “How do I feel about this decision?” and, “If I make this decision, how will I feel about it six months or a year from now?” Like me, Lynn encourages them to notice how their body feels. Does it feel light, heavy or tense? Are there any colors, symbols, or words they’re sensing? She makes them write down the words and symbols without thinking about them, before their mind tries to influence the more rational outcome.

Once they have committed these initial feelings to paper, they have a new way to look at the information from an intuitive perspective. She finishes up by teaching them how to interpret the information for themselves, and that all their future decisions can be guided for the best positive outcome, if they simply just pause and ask for guidance.

See Also
Dan Millman OMTimes

Remember that your abilities are part of you, so use all of yourself–your gut and intuition–when you feel you need a little assistance or divine guidance. You don’t always have to do it alone, or turn over your power to someone else when it comes to making decisions for yourself. Through practice, you’ll learn how to interpret the signs specifically for you.

PLEASE begin with small decisions and choices, so you can build up your trust and confidence gradually. Trust and have faith in your inner guidance, a resource that’s always there waiting for you to ask for guidance, and one that wants nothing more than the best for you.

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

View Comment (1)
  • Man, I think there is something to intuition but the way you present it is so simplistic and the anecdotes are ridiculous. If you would have called that kooky place with the busted microphone I guarantee they would have said “yeah, everything is fine!”. I would love to see this supposed Fortune 500 workshop I doubt any high level people ever go to it and if they did it’s pure quackery and comedy. I think there is plenty to this, but you can’t package it and mass produce the understanding of this phenomenon. You are also presenting it as some meter we can easily read all day long like a watch that is designed for us to avoid mundane annoyances all day long. It does not work like that and how you present this externalizes the phenomenon into some objective new age gimmick that obviously has no value or transformative power. That sense is to save your life and catch a rare opportunity. But to market it like some magic wand metal detector to be cheaply utilized to avoid annoying situations kills it. It will not work for dabblers who read some feel good new agey 3 step method one size fits all. You are just regurgitating folk lore at this point. You have cheapened something that WILL grab your attention when you truly need it. It’s not to be used 50 times a day trying to find a parking spot at Whole Foods.

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