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Thanksgiving Blessings

Thanksgiving Blessings


The holidays have a way of bringing us closer and making us feel hopeful, uplifted, grateful, and inspired to enjoy life. But the holidays can also make us acutely aware of loved ones who have passed and are no longer physically here to share in these special moments.


A Difficult Thanksgiving Holiday…

As most of you know, my mom passed away about six months ago, and this will be my first holiday season without her here. As a medium, I know my mom is doing just great on the Other-Side, but as her son, I still miss her being part of my day-to-day life. I miss our phone calls and visits, her great sense of humor, those special hugs, and I will especially miss not having her here for the holidays. She loved to get the whole family together, and loved to cook her famous lasagna and Italian pastries!


Joy at Thanksgiving

I’m sure there will be some tears as well as some laughs, and I know that it’s going to be hard not having her sitting across from me at the table, but I also know how important it is to continue with our family traditions and celebrate the holidays. If my mom was still here physically, she would be joining in all of the festivities of the day, but I know that she will be there in spirit.

Over the years that I’ve been a practicing medium, the messages that I’ve received and passed on from the Other-Side have proven to me time after time that our loved ones are, in fact, still with us, especially during the holidays, and will try to get our attention to validate their existence. It’s just their way of showing you that they want to talk to you as much as you want to talk to them!


Thanksgiving Traditions

So as you celebrate with your family and friends, stop and think about those you’ve lost, toast them, celebrate their life, and include them in all your festivities. Believe me when I say: “Your friends and loved ones on the Other-Side NEVER miss a good party!” They want you to know how much they love you, that they’re fine and well on the Other-Side, and are truly just a thought away.

John’s Lesson

This week, if you’re missing certain people in your life that have passed on, please don’t remember them as they looked when they passed. They’re no longer that sickly person, or the person in that accident. They’re whole, healthy, complete and at peace, and happy.

During this holiday season, take out the happiest photos of them, look into their eyes and see that sparkle. That’s their soul shining through, and that’s who they really are! Toast them, talk about them, think about them, and send out your loving thoughts to them. They want you to be happy as you enjoy your Thanksgiving meal. Equally, they want you to put up that Christmas Tree next month!

My mom was always about keeping family together at Thanksgiving, and with that said: Is there someone in your life that could use a phone call at this time, or maybe someone that you haven’t called in quite awhile or had an argument with so long ago that you can’t even remember why you’re not talking? Is this a time to ask for forgiveness or to forgive? The holidays have a way of softening the heart and soul, and can be the perfect time to reunite. Life is too short and anything can happen at anytime. By saying what you have to say now, you will never have to experience saying, “Maybe I could have, would have, or should have.”

See Also
Spiritual Connections OMTimes

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone and Many Blessings to You and Yours, and remember to…

Live a Soul-filled life!

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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