The Green Ray of Faith and Devotion
The Green Ray
The sixth ray of the seven streams of light energy is green: the Green Ray of Faith and Devotion. The souls who resonate on the green ray are described as true believers. They hold an intensity to their convictions that can ride out a great storm, standing on the bow of the ship with complete trust they will succeed. Their idealism and vibrational energy is operating at its highest frequency to help mankind move forward in evolution on the astral plane of manifestation.
People who incarnate on this ray are intuitive and extremely passionate about love relationships. They will sacrifice themselves for the good of others and what they believe is destined to be. At their best, they are loving and kind. When their emotions are out of balance, they can be jealous, possessive and codependent. When spiritually undeveloped, they can become fanatical and unrealistic in their causes, which result in the harm of others. Wars, terrorist acts and threats can be actions of a sixth ray personality who wholeheartedly believe they are just in their actions.
In religion, a green ray person will choose one way, and they will not waver in their dedication. Belief beyond all reason is the only way to God, and no other religion can be tolerated. As their spiritual innocence grows, they become disenchanted and uninterested in anyone or anything that does not comply with their beliefs. Often living life by emotional whim, they worship certain people only to toss them aside as they begin to judge their actions as less than satisfactory. The devotion they have is very personal and they may not consider the good of humanity in many situations. They often mature their psychic gifts of insight through others thoughts and feelings. In these cases, a soul chooses to live in the higher vibration of service, which lets in the amazing qualities of all the seven rays.
Jesus was such a soul who had conviction and passion for his beliefs, in certainty of a God in Heaven he gave his life. He had a fiery temper when standing for human justice as well as a loving, compassionate side because of his spiritual gifts of intuition and ability to heal with touch. He had all the proof he needed through his experiences, and he loved unconditionally, even those who would do him harm. He let the love and energy of the second light ray, which lights the Christ consciousness, help guide his life of devotion.
This is a complicated personality to understand as it has many facets and curves in its makeup. In the best case, a person who has the challenges of the sixth ray becomes more understanding and compassionate of the world around them as they evolve, learning to use this incredible force of idealism and devotion in its highest possible form. Tolerance, common-sense and community are traits to strive for when this person is realizing their soul work this time around on Earth. They may plan several life lessons before incarnation, which help them complete these challenging themes in spiritual evolution.
In the lessons of the spiritual consciousness, a person who runs mainly on the green line must learn the virtues of the other rays in order to understand how we all work together. Adding the fourth ray, virtue of harmony, and the seventh ray, virtue of magic, in meditational practices really helps bring the sixth ray soul into healing awareness of their soul challenges. This is how the light is made! In understanding that they can let these practices and thought patterns into their own life, they learn common goals for humanity by listening and cooperating.
Prayer, meditation, and a real conviction to a just and noble cause in life can literally turn life around for a green ray soul, and so many possibilities can be realized with unbroken faith and devotion. Teaching energy healing and counseling others to come into their own spiritual selves through awakening their own gifts all help a green ray soul mature. Through travel and communication, through looking at life through the eyes of other faiths, cultures and lifestyles all assist in helping raise the frequency to higher thought.
Expanding the mind to grasp the concepts of life purpose, which helps all to grow and evolve is a real accomplishment for those with the challenges of single-mindedness or jealousy. Since these emotions are rooted in loyalty, it becomes clear that fastidiousness in its best form is to realize trust and love for self, and then for others, unconditionally.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and also a featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.
Where can I learn about the other color rays? 🙂