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What Are You Thinking Right Now?

What Are You Thinking Right Now?


You are what you think. Most people don’t realize the power behind thinking and thought; but, more importantly, each thought has its own unique energy signature, which can be very powerful. Always remember that you’re a magnetic-energy being, so that when you have a thought, it immediately gets lodged in your magnetic field, which is more commonly known as your aura.

When that thought remains in this field for any length of time, it often radiates out to be absorbed into the Universe. It’s easy to imagine what’s likely to happen to someone who constantly lives in fear that certain things will happen in their life. They’re consciously thinking about it, dwelling on it, obsessing on it, feeding their precious energy into it. Of course, the net result is that they end up sending that stream of fear-based thought out into the Universe. It’s like they’re holding up a sign above their head with a giant arrow saying: “Hey, come to me!” So, it usually does. Then you hear them saying: “I knew this was going to happen!” It’s not rocket science to see that we attract what we think.

You’ve heard the saying: like attracts like – well it’s really more about: frequency attracting the same frequency. Everything is made up of energy, which includes you and me. Since we’re energy, it’s probable that we’ll tune into and attract the same frequency that we resonate:

If you’re afraid – you’ll attract fear;

If you’re kind – you’ll attract kindness;

When you’re grateful – you’ll attract prosperity.

As we think, we begin to feel; as we feel, we vibrate; when we vibrate, we start to attract. So in summary, you attract exactly what you resonate.


John’s Lesson on Thinking

Try to become more aware of your thoughts when you first wake up in the morning. Then take a moment throughout the day to check in and ask yourself: “How are my thoughts today?” You might be quite surprised that they reflect exactly how your day is going. So once again, just be mindful of your first thoughts when you awake, as these can easily shape the rest of the day.

Once you start to tune into your thoughts, and in doing so, your whole energy field … it’s important to be aware of the thoughts you have about others. Since all thought is energy, if you’re thinking positively or negatively about someone, then whatever you’re thinking can in fact come right back to you. Now, you understand the expression: What you sow – you reap. There’s no way around it.

I encourage you to study, investigate, and read more on the power of thought. In my book ‘Power of the Soul’ there’s a whole chapter dedicated to the power of thought. Whether it’s through my book or other reading, start by acknowledging the true power of thought and the laws of attraction.

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It’s worth remembering that you’re always certain to find or attract what you’re thinking!

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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