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Your True Temple

Your True Temple


In all of my lectures and workshops, I always express the importance of your body, and how it’s truly your soul’s temple and acts as your psychic antennae. The body’s a miracle in itself and if used properly, it can be used as a wonderful intuitive resource to tap in to the power of the soul. Your body is your soul’s instrument to show the outside world the luminous light that emanates from within.


The Body as the Soul’s Temple

It’s easy to tell when someone is really happy, as they just glow from the inside out. The light literally radiates from them, and it’s a joy to step into their space, their aura and bask in their positive energy. Think of the number of times that someone has told you: “You’re beaming!” The body and soul are constantly striving to live, work, and journey through this life in perfect harmony. They dance together as though they were always meant to partner with each other.

The body is the physical vessel that the soul uses to reach out and experience the outside world, just as the soul is the means for the body to transcend, understand, and encounter spiritual experiences. I’m so aware that in a developed world, we live in a society that’s always rushing, always pushing, and always on the go! Our technology has totally surpassed our spirituality. We so rarely take the time to pause long enough to become aware of the beautiful little details all around us, as well as what is going on inside of us.


Taking Care to Honor Our Temple

Recently I spoke to someone who I haven’t heard from in many years, and it was so good to hear from her. We exchanged what we’ve been doing, talked about family, life, and our work. On the evening I spoke to Christine, she was still at work and it was 9 o’clock in the evening. I asked what time she started her day, and she said 8:00am, which would mean that she had been there for 13 hours and she wasn’t even finished yet! Now I understand that with some industries working long hours is anticipated and even expected, but I had to ask her, “PLEASE tell me you at least get a massage, or some exercise, or do something to take care of yourself?” I reminded her that the body holds onto everything on a cellular level, and her body under stress could really take its toll. She responded and said: “Well I haven’t had a massage in a very long time.”

Don’t get me wrong, as I too am guilty of neglecting my body and its messages. But usually I do eventually listen. I really feel God did a great job in making this beautiful vessel we call a body, and if you think about it, your body and all its systems are truly a miracle!

It goes without saying that if you’re going to keep your body in good health, you should have a good diet, get plenty of rest, and take appropriate vitamins to keep it in top form. But also take the time to STOP once in a while, to give your body, mind, and soul a chance to become one with each other.


John’s Lesson

When I want to relax and give my body a break, I find that there are many ways to honor it. Even when I drink a cup of tea, I savor the moment as I enjoy a little quiet time. I bring in and use all of my physical senses as I sip, and use the gentle sipping motion as form of meditation to spend some quiet reflective time in the temple of my soul. I hold the mug of tea in both palms; I smell its sweet aroma and look at it with mindfulness. I take a sip, swallow slowly, and breathe in before slowly breathing out. I drink my tea in the here and now, in the present, and say to myself: “I am alive – I am a soul – I am a miracle.”

My wish for you this year is to really take care of your body, to understand it, and to listen to it when it’s trying to relay information to you. Whether it needs more exercise, better food, a massage, energy work, or even if it’s saying: “I need a walk!” If you find yourself also saying or thinking: “I really have to get back to the gym,” then that could also be your body trying to send you a message.

See Also

Honor and take care of your temple, you only get one in this lifetime, and it will serve you, and your soul quite well in the journey we call life.

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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