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Iyanla Vanzant: Mastering the 4 Essential Trusts

Iyanla Vanzant: Mastering the 4 Essential Trusts

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OMTimes: We have been speaking about trust yourself, which is of course directly related to self-love. What does love mean to you?

Iyanla Vanzant: 1. Love is what you have come into life to give.

2. Love is always present, surrounding us; guiding, growing and teaching us.

3. Love is a principle. It is the presence of God active in our consciousness.

4. Love is what we are. It is the energy by which we were born.

5. You cannot get love from the outside until you ARE love on the inside.

6. Love is the foundation of the universe. It is the reason we come to life and the reason for living.

7. God is love and what God creates can never be destroyed.

8. Love is the voice of God whispering to you from within yourself.

9. Love is the greatest, most enduring power in the universe. Then again, there is no other power.

10. God’s love is present everywhere, at all times. Where love is, there is no fear.

11. Every experience, every encounter, every lesson learned is life’s way of training you to be a greater expression of love.

See Also
Pam Gregory

12. Love is right where you are, wherever you are, at this moment. Love is available to you right now. Will you be available to love?

13. Love is the only experience that replaces fear. Peace is the result.

14. Love is divine. Love is the activity of God and the only energy in which God exists.


Interview By Dirk Terpstra of


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