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February 2016 Astrology Forecast

February 2016 Astrology Forecast


Take a look ahead with the February 2016 Astrology Forecast and find out how relationships and clean up may play a part in what transpires this month.

To listen to astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the February 2016 Astrology Forecast, click the player below:

February 2016 Astrology Forecast: Relationships & Clean Up in the Month Ahead

According to the February 2016 Astrology Forecast, February will have the feel of a sped-up movie montage that takes characters through years in the span of seconds. Our hearts and relationships are in for a quite a journey. Throw your arms into the air and remind yourself to enjoy the ride, because spoilers: No matter what happens along the way, the ending scenes hold the potential for sweetness and stability.

The month starts slowly, but intensely. It’s as if we’re coming out of hibernation, and primal urges are coming to as well that hunger for attention and feeding. They’re rumbling out of the subconscious and our very cells and taking the steering wheel from our conscious minds.

We’re not inclined to resist. After last month’s retrograde took Mercury back and forth across Pluto’s clarifying scythe, we’re viewing life and ourselves drastically differently. We recognize these urges and what they are calling us to do. And besides, they’re on now-familiar turf: areas of life that have been in flux for several years, where we are in the early stages of building into new and improved structures.

So we’re likely to be adults and cooperate. Clean out the basement. Push structural work along. Desires and, in some cases, relationships will only take on more defined contours, perhaps from constraints, perhaps from an awareness of the need to act responsibly.

Still, caution can go only so far before it heads out the window. Those primal urges are in control by the first weekend, trysting time for the two rulers of desire and money, Venus (earthly level) and Pluto (beyond mortal control.) This is not a sweet Valentine’s prelude; it’s a gotta-have-it-or-die vibe, hot, heavy and life-changing. “It” doesn’t necessarily mean possession or consummation; it can just as easily mean an argument or ending. Except there’s little easy about this. Messy is more like it. Passions flare. Relationships shape shift ferociously and permanently. Everything has long-term consequences, because Venus and Pluto are dancing across the new and improved infrastructure that’s been taking shape for you. Adding to the finality, the goddess of love demands an act of liberating rebellion from radical change agent Uranus on her way off the dance floor. Something’s gotta give; something’s gotta break.

There’s no time to clean up the wreckage before the Aquarius New Moon fully awakens us on February 8. Its explosive, invigorating force feels like the year has started at last. (No coincidence, it launches the Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey.) It motivates us to fierce, scary, exhilarating action (those urges again). In its aftermath, desires expand even more (as if that were possible, but yes), take form and deepen (ditto).

And then, poof! Communications and interactions lighten up and shift into observer mode, as Mercury and then Venus move into Aquarius (on Feb. 13 and 16). We can be with each other without clutching, and stand back enough to gain objective perspective. Valentine’s Day feels like a relief after the previous weekend; pressure off, people talking sanely. The Sun’s entry into Pisces adds gentle notes, on the 19th.

The time, space and inclination to clean up — remember the wreckage? — arrives with the Virgo Full Moon on the 22nd. No matter what the weather is doing outside, we’re feeling a spring cleaning urge within. In the days following, tidying up is likely to carry over into your thinking and communications. We’re enjoying an internal cohesiveness that makes it easy to identify, convey and go after what we want.

See Also
2022 Leo Full Moon

The February 2016 Astrology Forecast shows the end of the month brings door-opening information and a happy paradox. Transcendence is on the house for everyone, whether that means a religious experience, feeling at one with all of creation, falling in love with love, ourselves, or a special someone, or otherwise escaping the gravitational pull of earthly reality. That coincides with an offer to bring form and stability to a heart’s desire. Which, come to think of it, may not create a paradox at all, but more of a chicken-or-the-egg scenario. Either way, you’re likely to be smiling as the month’s movie montage ends.

Order Kathy’s annual astro-overview to learn what’s coming in 2016.

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About the Astrologer

Kathy Biehl is an astrologer, Tarot master and Best American Psychics member who helps individuals and businesses understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives.

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