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Drew Heriot Discovered the Power of His Heart

Drew Heriot Discovered the Power of His Heart

Drew Heriot _Power of the heart_omtimes

DIRK TERPSTRA: Do you regularly apply some of the concepts of the Secret and The Power of the Heart in your personal life?

DREW HERIOT: Yes, I do, of course. I have found that because I am so busy, I have been looking for ways to integrate a practice into my life that doesn’t add additional time. So I am looking for things that I already do each day because I just don’t have time to go and sit in a cave and self-realize. We need to tune as we go. I encourage people to look for those things they’re already doing every day, like morning routine, or driving to work, and do those things with the meaning they want to experience each day and develop. I believe that it’s a really exciting area for everyone to explore.

DIRK TERPSTRA: We talked a lot about the heart, and the heart is always associated with love. You already mentioned that love is not some kind of concept. What does love really mean to you?

DREW HERIOT: Love, as I was saying, to me, is life breathing through us. That’s what it feels like. We can dissect love, and we can break it up into forty different kinds of love, like the Greeks have, and there’s so much dialogue about love, but ultimately love isn’t a concept for me. It’s an experience.

DIRK TERPSTRA: Are you currently working another film?

DREW HERIOT: Yes, I am writing my first dramatic feature at the moment. I am on a writing retreat in southern Australia. I’ve made features before, but this is my first scripted narrated feature, which is shaping up to be possibly even a trilogy at the moment, and I want to get the first one done this year. That’s very exciting to me because it is like an explosion of everything that I’m intensely and passionately fascinated by. It allows me to push the edges and boundaries more than I can in a documentary, where I am a little more constrained by the facts.

My next film Superhuman, which I am directing in Sydney, is on the horizon as well. But it’s tricky to talk about upcoming projects because I can’t say much about them.

My wife and I also have just released a website called Fun with Kids – – for parents to create a deeper connection with their kids. Teddy Roosevelt said very beautifully that children don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

We’re all so keen to have our children to excel to be extraordinary, but just as important and even more important is, that we connect in our joy together and that we have fun together. Just like every parent, when you’re making dinner for the one-hundredth time or trying to work out how to entertain them, you get to the end of your ideas. So we created that site to share all of these ideas. And I invite anyone to submit their personal experiences to us.


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DIRK TERPSTRA Dirk Terpstra is an intuitive speaker, coach, and certified HeartMath trainer. Dirk carries out a simple message: You can only be at peace, feel fulfilled and be valuable to others when you are honest with yourself and start closing the gap between who you appear to be and who you are. You will then discover that you are beautiful and that all the answers already lie inside of you.


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