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The Mastery of Energetic Frequencies

The Mastery of Energetic Frequencies


Energetic Frequencies of Spiritual Consciousness

Our bodies contain a miraculous spiritual consciousness capable of understanding and processing the information needed to learn how to use the metaphysical energies available to us all. In time, as we merge the inner and outer forms of ourselves, healing and psychic ability will integrate within us like another organ to assist us in our spiritual evolution.

Learning to transmit and transmute energy can be a truly courageous task for the highly sensitive, empathic soul who is still learning how to purify energies they have never before encountered. In this world we are now living in, it’s a great idea to make it a daily practice in order to keep the spirit healthy and thriving!

Always remember you are a soul who possesses positive and neutral energy. Negative thoughts and words from other people are only projections and opinions. These energetic footprints on your mind can be healed and sent back to light. If someone is offending you for no reason at all, remember this energy lives inside of them and has no bearing on your thoughts or energetic patterns. Never give anyone the power to make you feel that you are less than a miraculous being with an incredible capacity to direct energy back to love no matter what is occurring. Always seek to transmute energy to light and give no power to creating revenge or darkness.

Those who want to create drama seeking to destroy and defame others to gain power are building a karmic debt that could last through lifetimes if they are harming others without compassion. It may seem they are winning in many aspects of life but the bigger picture is remembering the price to pay. When someone is using their good fortune, fame or celebrity power to control others through gossip, mudslinging and childish behavior, it is always revealed to the masses sooner or later. There will always be a time of reckoning so that it may be brought back to balance in peace. Humanity will always seek love as the healing force.

Recognize that peace is an energy. Love is what the light is made of. It just isn’t something that people like to say at the end of an email. It exists in the consciousness and in the dimensions we cannot always see with our human eyes. It comes to us in waves of joyous energetic laughter when we are in despair although we can’t always hear it. If we recognize it our minds reprogram our negative thoughts into healing peace while we sleep. So many things will be discovered in the next few years which truly prove the power of the mind changes the brain waves, the enzymes, atoms, cells and blood vessels which keep our bodies alive.

Walk into a room filled with healers and lightworkers, it is an obvious phenomenon. Together they create their own healing field of peace. When we all gather anywhere, even online together, we create a unique and precious tune. It’s transmitters we may not always see, but we can validate their kind and compassionate messages along with the healing they send.

If this is becoming truer because the Earth’s people are more connected now than ever, just imagine how that love can help heal the evils that have infected the minds of people who have not felt it before. Hope and validation that things will get better. A true understanding of how many more want to live together without worry of war, famine and hatred. Transmuting the Earth back to healing the green of the grass and the blue of the sky. Each and every mind on this planet can learn this is the future of how the consciousness will explode in possibility. How thoughts create the energy fields which bring us all back to our vibrant shine.

If you are here you are alive, there is time and purpose to learn about mastering energies. Your intuitive self, all the bells and whistles you may not be using or may not understand how to use is already coming in for you. As earthbound humans we will never know all the secret codes and keys to the Universal energetic laws but we can ask for ours to be known to us. In turn we share these practices with others with their own unique expressions of the spiritual consciousness. This wonderful, eternal collective family of love lets us know we are all one in radiant ascending light.

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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see or email

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