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Hearing With Your Heart

Hearing With Your Heart


by Judi Lynch

Hearing with the Heart Promotes Joy

We listen with our ears but sometimes our hearts are not hearing what someone’s words are really saying. Words can be mundane without emotion and spark. If we close our hearts to understanding another, we are only a sounding board for their challenges and triumphs in life. If our lives are not being lived from our heart center, it becomes difficult to have empathy or joy for someone else.

As you go throughout life, you will continue to hear stories. Stories about you and the people you meet. At some point you might become numb after listening to the same drama from the same person over and over again. After a while it can begin to make you angry this situation is not evolving and that this person is taking no action to help it change. You can easily see solutions and options for them. Is it your place to state your observations? Do you walk away or continue hearing with your ears and a closed heart? Just the thought of having to listen one more time is draining your energy–physically, mentally, and spiritually.

A delicate, sensitive soul may not even realize they are being emotionally abusive to another by constantly complaining and whining about their challenges in life. A friend should be supportive and a good listener, but there comes a time when taking further action is necessary instead of just doing the same old thing. There are ways of helping others understand that things really can evolve and change. Instead of seeing all challenges as hopeless situations, these events are really opportunities for spiritual growth.


Hearing at the Heart Level Touches Spirit

This Earth is going through so many changes with humanity at odds over control and ownership. We have to all remember our compassion for the growing pains involved both internally and in the worldly view. Agree we are spiritual beings inside these bodies.

Our true nature of consciousness makes us able to love, heal, and thrive. We were meant to be at peace together with our heart center as our guide. Where the dark places are could not be clearer to anyone living in light energy from the heart. Those places can be healed, inside us and those we encounter, who are suffering in life. Those that need the strength of light.

See Also
inner wisdom OMTimes

The heart that beats inside your chest contains that light. How big or bright it shines is up to you on any given day. Some days it may be closed for repairs, other days it breaks wide open for anyone and everything that has felt loneliness and pain. How fantastic that joy feels when you have known suffering yourself! Your heart light feels it all if you let it. Those who know both would never hurt another living being. Mentally, physically, spiritually–sending them nothing but unconditional love.


About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see or email judi@

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