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The Bicycle Effect

The Bicycle Effect


Get on your bike for a fascinating exploration of the powerful meditative effect of cycling – one that promises to assist the reader in pedaling toward a more authentic and peaceful self: The Bicycle Effect.

Book Spotlight – The Bicycle Effect – Cycling as Meditation

Written by Juan Carlos Kreimer

For more information or to purchase the book, click on the cover!

Author and hobby cyclist, Juan Carlos Kreimer wrote The Bicycle Effect – Cycling as Meditation to demonstrate that pedaling a bike is not just a vehicle to be used to get ourselves from a to b or to exercise or have fun but it can also be used to help attain a healthier state of mind.

In The Bicycle Effect, Kreimer shows how there is a strong relationship between the Zen practice of meditation and cycling. In essence, he explains that the movements of the legs, the energy rising through the body and the cadence of breathing along with the ‘floating’ attention we place on what’s passing us as we ride, all of it creates a similar state to the one achieved when sitting cross-legged, with our eyes closed and allowing thoughts to drift simply and naturally.

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All For Love

Kreimer, who is now in his 70’s, tells how he learned to ride a bike almost at the same time as he took his first steps. He has always loved to bike and has cycled in every city he has called home including, Buenos Aires, New York, Paris, London and Rio de Janeiro. He writes with enthusiasm about his lifelong hobby and past time  – he continues to bicycle at least 20-30 miles a day. It was once he started to practice Zen meditation in the early 1980’s that he noticed the profound similarities between cycling and meditation.

For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:

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