Who is Driving Who?
I’ve often written about how life takes over, and how technology starts to rule our lives and pulls us away from our soul, that inside quiet place where we can find direction and guidance. We become more focused on our outside world and forget about our ‘inside world.’ For many of us, we get up, look at our emails, Facebook, or texts, we eat our breakfast, we go to work, we come home with just enough time to wind down and sleep – before we do it all again the next day.
For sure, if you like a fast-paced life, it can be exhilarating for a while, before it eventually becomes exhausting. You have to stop at some point, and ask yourself who’s driving who – and for what? Eventually, it will feel like you’re in the passenger seat and someone else is driving. One day, you’ll wake up and realize that the monotony of life has taken over, and you’re left with nothing more than boring routine and predictability!
It’s time to take a break, and reverse the roles. Your ego is the part of you that runs the predictable side of your life, keeps you on the straight and narrow, the safe path, the familiar path, and the one you’ve traveled over and over. Occasionally, it’s important to let go and take that unfamiliar path, even if it seems unnerving, adventurous, or scary. It’s okay to try, and I encourage you to do it! It’s about releasing control and let the universe take over – even if it’s just for a while. You may find, that you take an entirely different direction from what you thought you’d laid out previously to conform with family expectation, society and convention.
So, by letting go of your control, and letting your soul take over the navigation, you will find all sorts of hidden bonuses along the way. And of course you will have the guiding power of something very special to help. …Yes, your intuition, which is there to help you with the short cuts. It teams you up with the right people and situations that are out there to help you increase your levels of joy, personal fulfillment, and live a healthy, balanced life.
So, if this article is resonating with you, maybe it’s time to stop, and follow the flow of where your soul and intuition are taking you. Sometimes is right to take control, to grab those oars and steer towards a destination of a goal, but once in a while it’s okay to let go of the oars and see where you’re guided. You may be quite surprised and happy of where you end up!
John’s Lesson
Begin your day in a positive way. It’s always your choice as to what kind of day you want to have. Even before your foot touches the floor, try smiling. You don’t need a reason. By just smiling, you’ll begin your day in a positive way. All thought creates reality, so by starting off your day in this way, you’ll attract more positive vibes and opportunities.
Trust your intuition. If you have felt drawn to attend a workshop or class, to have lunch with a certain person at work, or nudged to visit a place although you’ve never been there before, then I suggest you follow your instinct! Your intuition is trying to get your attention and if the same thought keeps coming up, that is not your imagination!
Choose from the heart. Try to look beyond what you’re seeing in front of you. Layers of life’s issues may be covering the goodness that’s inside people. Look deeper to feel if they have a kind, pure heart. Look for the good that’s in every person – even if you have to look more than once, it’s there.
John Holland is an Internationally renowned psychic medium, spiritual teacher, author, and radio host. His public demonstrations offer audiences a rare glimpse into the fascinating subject of mediumship, which he delivers in his own unique style, explaining the delicate process of raising his own vibrational energy to link with the spirit from the Other-Side. He’s able to deliver messages, which he does with clarity, passion and the utmost integrity. John has spent a significant part of his life developing his psychic and mediumship abilities, and he spent two intensive years studying in the UK, where he got the thorough grounding and training to become one of the most sought after professional mediums on the world stage today! He has starred in several TV specials, including A&E’s “Mediums: We See Dead People,” which provided a fascinating insight into how John works as a Psychic Time Machine, where he’s able to pick up vibrations and detailed information, whether it’s seen, felt, or heard from a past event. He also starred in his own pilot “Psychic History” for the History Channel. He is the author of the best-sellers: Power of the Soul, Psychic Navigator, Born Knowing, The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck, The Spirit Whisperer – Chronicles of a Medium, The Psychic Tarot For The Heart, The Spirit Messages – The Daily Guidance Oracle Deck as well as 5 top-selling Apps and numerous online workshops based on his signature workshop series. His latest book: was Bridging Two Realms.