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Anita Moorjani – What If This Is Heaven?

Anita Moorjani – What If This Is Heaven?

Anita Moorjani

When I would tell people how to do it, I am saying that I have attained it, and you haven’t, and therefore I will be teaching you. I don’t feel that’s the case. We are all in it together. I feel that we are all love, but what’s preventing you from realizing this? You are already in heaven, and you are already everything that you are trying to attain, and therefore I like to shine my light on what it is that keeps preventing you from being in this state and these are the myths that I am talking about.

Dirk Terpstra: In the myth ‘I’m not okay, you’re not okay’, you share an important story about how people often project their own insecurities and fears onto others. A particular situation with your friend, made you realize how easy it is for this feeling of invincibility (after your NDE) to erode and to fall back into your old pattern of thinking that you needed fixing. This feeling becomes even stronger when an entire peer group or culture believes this.

Anita Moorjani: I have people constantly giving me advice about all kinds of things. Some of it is helpful, but a lot of it just drains me if I am not careful. What I like to tell people is that when you are self-aware, and you listen to your body, you have to take periods of time where you don’t take in any information from the outside world. Where you can really tune into who you are inside and tune into what your body wants, what your mind wants and what your spirit wants – What is your soul craving for right now?

Personally, I tune in by either spending time in nature or listening to music, but I have to make a commitment that I am not going to be on the internet and read information. I will not be asking people for information because the best authority for you is yourself, your own heart. There’s a part of you that’s connected to the universe, and it’s receiving information that is unique to you. It’s unique for you to follow your life and your passion. We need to learn to allow the universe to work through us, but we fill ourselves up with information from the outside world, which is often contradictory and then we become more confused. And when we’re confused, we ask more people for more information, and so on. Not only are we more confused, but there is no room for our own inner guidance to communicate with us.

Our real power lies within, and to access that power we have to go on an information fast. When we do that, we receive guidance as to where to go, what to do, and when we’re following our guidance, the right book, the right person or the right teacher will come to us at the right time. The universe is trying to communicate with us all the time. It’s our mind that gets in the way.

Dirk Terpstra: In your book, you share many myths related to healthcare, positivity, religion, our egos and the relationship between women and men. You also provide possible truths, tips, and exercises on a very personal level. If you were responsible for education and healthcare in the United States, what would be the first change that you would make?

Anita Moorjani: Oh gosh, so many things. If it were education, I would want little children to know from the time that they are very young, how powerful they are, how amazing they are. I would want them to know that they’re all connected. That every single child in their class and in their school are their brother and sisters. They don’t need to compete with them to get ahead of them. They need to work together and to collaborate.

I would make it compulsory in education to make children become aware of what it feels like to be a victim of anything. What does it feel like to somebody who stands out and is different? What does it feel like to somebody who is poor? What does it feel like to somebody who is in a wheelchair? I would give, especially the older kids exercise to experience firsthand what it feels like to be poor or to be in a wheelchair and to feel the challenges they would feel going through that for an entire week.

If we have an entire generation of kids who have experienced what this feels like, the world would change because they would make sure that they make the world a better and easier place for all these people. That is what I would introduce to our education system.

In healthcare, I would change hospitals completely. I believe that fear actually breaks down our immune system and makes us more susceptible to illness. We see fear in hospitals all the time. I hated hospitals because I feared them. Hospitals need to be a place where people feel nurtured, where they feel safe, where they feel that they are being cared for, in a loving and kind way.

Doctors and Oncologists, when dealing with patients with cancer, for example, should ask questions like “Have you experienced a trauma recently? Do you have people in your life who love you and who you love? Is there anything in your life that you are passionate about? Are you following your dreams?” and really get them thinking about this because nine times out of ten, illness is actually a wake-up call. It’s a wake-up call that you’re not living your life that you’re supposed to be living. We are missing that completely in medicine. We spend trillions of dollars on just pharma and drugs alone, and we’re completely missing the real point of why we get ill in the first place.

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Those are things I would change, and I am very passionate about both of those things, and I am definitely open to working with healthcare and education to make real change.

Dirk Terpstra: Thank you, Anita, for this wonderful conversation, and I can so recommend all the readers to buy a copy of your book What if this is Heaven. I haven’t just read your new book, I will use it as a Bible and reread the various chapters whenever my personal situation calls for that.

Anita Moorjani: I thank you from my heart, for your continuous support, and it is always so much fun talking with you. Thank you!


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