Your Body Can Win Every Time

by Gina Hardy
We Know, Our Body Can Win…
Our body is always in charge, no matter how much mental persuasion we think we have, period.
Do you know just how precious this amazing vehicle that carries us around the planet really is? It breathes us without effort, regulates our temperature, transforms the food we eat into life-giving energy and nutrients. It heals every wound that opens and its bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments are perfectly designed to obey every movement signal we give it. And that is only the beginning. It truly is the most remarkable, beautiful piece of Divine architecture ever.
Stress is such an interesting label for a huge number of ailments these days. Its essence is merely to physically indicate where our physical self isn’t happy with the degree of pressure our thoughts are applying.
A Mind in Control, A Little Forgetful
I laughed the other day, when I found myself saying to a sweet friend and teacher, Danielle Marchant: ‘Most people are like a mind with legs!’ It was my way of observing that our minds are often way too in control with little respect or regard for the most precious gift we have; our dear, dear body.
Stress is the degree of separation between our mind and body. The question is how large is the degree of separation and what body indicators are telling us something isn’t right? And even more, are we listening?
Do We Really Listen to the Body?
We all gets aches, pains, twinges and glitches here and there according to lifestyle, daily activities and indeed aging. Our physical construct is constantly, without exception, a living breathing changing ‘ball’ of energy so that is normal in the main. But do you experience any physical problems that are persistent? A dull or even acute postural ache, back ache, headaches, anxiety, and tightness in the chest, for example? Now, before you go and freak yourself out and run to the doc, don’t!
To Help the Body Win, this is What You Can Do:
Sit and be still, close your eyes and breathe and visualize your breath entering and leaving your body. That is it; so simple, and yet it can have the ability to change your life.
Doing this brings awareness that ‘oh yes, from the neck down, there is a body’ Hallelujah! And also it’s the first step on the path of listening to the profound feedback that it is capable of. Spend some minutes each day being still and then build it up. Find the time.
Be Sure to Stop to Listen
You may be surprised by what you learn and you do have all of the answers. But are you afraid to listen, perhaps?
Stopping to listen could help you win, put years back in the body/mind relationship bank, and save you from many a fate that ignoring the physical signs can have. From this start point, meditation may come and a deeper understanding of why your mind causes you so much distress.
Gina teaches mindfulness yoga essentially in one-to-ones and on retreat in U.K. and Europe, to help you regain or deepen your connection to your body. Through a process of anatomical discovery, you can learn to let your body lead and find body/mind congruence, so you can lead a meaningful, healthy and happy life.
About the Author
Gina lives in Surrey, U.K., and is a yoga teacher, relationship coach, and therapist. She teaches the art of self-preservation by helping people have better relationships with their body and other people. The key to life is your relationship with everything, and that starts with awareness of self. Her motto for life is: Live, Learn, Love, Pay it Forward.

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