Taking Control – Practicing Soul Mastery

You are the creator and co-creator of your life. With help from the heavens of the spiritual consciousness, we therefore have the wisdom. This includes tools and high frequency connections we need to manifest anything we desire. This may seem like a mighty huge statement, considering all the challenges and uncertainty in the world we live in. Those who are seeking higher spiritual ground know how much truth exists in those words. Because the mind controls every thought, every thought controls all the cells in our body.
How we communicate with ourselves and others matters deeply. It determines how we thrive or wither during our lives here on this planet. The soul will still live on after these human bodies have expired. Learning to master the negative thoughts and actions during our lives has great benefit to our beautiful souls and the purpose behind our incarnations.
When your spiritual practices become a part of your everyday life and they are unique to your ever-evolving needs and challenges, you are aligning your soul to thrive in this lifetime. As we quiet the ego of things which keep us from our goals, we learn that letting go of the need to control anything actually puts us in control. Replacing old thought patterns and beliefs is one of the first steps to taking control.
Having a positive self-image through positive actions brings in maturity. Affirmations, prayer, meditation, service to others, volunteering your time and energy to a noble cause along with taking good care of your health are all things which will help you take control of your life situations.
In today’s world, we have a crystal clear view of what negative behavior attracts. Name-calling, bullying, blaming, shaming, insecurity, jealousy, and finger-pointing, to name of few, can incite riotous, violent acts. These are happening for a reason; we can see out loud what part of humanity has done to itself. If we know what we think and do matter, then we know we can evolve and progress. Violence has never been the answer. Hurting other humans, animals, the environment or ourselves only stunts our spiritual growth to higher evolution.
As we reject these negative behaviors and people who have yet to evolve from their grasp, we become lighter. In this lightness is growth, unconditional love, life purpose and a greater sense of our role in healing humanity together in collective knowledge. When we gain control of our thoughts our missions and our soul has room to grow. Forgiving what we perceive we and others have done, and courageously releasing pain and regret, creates space for the future. A willingness to keep moving forward instead of living in the past is a common trait in people who evolve quicker and heal faster than others.
Learning how to process and control our own negative behaviors and thought processes is the key to unconditional understanding of others unexposed to kindness and compassion. We make choices to be either unaffected by the suffering of others with our unwillingness to help, or we can offer a kind word or deed to anyone in need of assistance. We can choose which energies will rule our thoughts.
Protecting our own personal environments is important to keeping in good spirits with a positive outlook on life. In addition, we have spiritual help in our guides, loved ones and a host of spiritual beings. They want nothing more than for us to connect, heal and shine with purpose. Those connections can work miracles in your heart and mind to overcome the dull grayness set in by letting in negativity of any kind.
In conclusion, living in the higher vibrational energies will become the norm. Future mankind will experience the fruits of our spiritual labors now. We have already seen the seeds beginning to sprout and bloom in hearts, minds and neighborhoods where once there was no hope and little faith. One by one, as we take control over our mind’s creative forces with our spiritual gifts and metaphysical knowledge, we set an example of what the New Earth truly means.

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.