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Opening 2 Intuition 1 & 2

Opening 2 Intuition 1 & 2


Unlock your intuition with an exciting new book series and audio CD.  Created in a fun and visual graphic novel style the Opening 2 Intuition Book Series and CD is an amazing resource for all aspects of psychic development.

Book Spotlight – Opening 2 Intuition: Psychic Development and Spirit Guides

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Made with beginners in mind this series is a great foundation for anyone interested in accessing everything from their spirit guide, past life work, to the basics of psychic development. The illustrated layout of the books not only provides great visual cues for the reader but also makes all information simple and easy to access, perfect for a stress-free and fun practice.

The first in series is Opening 2 Intuition Book 1 – Psychic Development The Basics.  Psychic Development The Basics is an illustrated guidebook that will teach you how to open to your intuition and open up psychically. The book works in a simple and concise way and takes the reader on a visual journey into the world of psychic and energy work. It covers everything that a beginner needs to know to access their own psychic skills and guides the reader step-by-step through a number of exercises. Beginning with a simple understanding of how energy works, the book teaches you the core elements of safe psychic development. You will discover techniques that show you how to open up psychically, how to put on psychic protection, how to ground yourself, how to create sacred space, how to clear your energy and how to close down.

Click the cover to learn more!

Next in the series is Opening 2 Intuition Book 2 – Meeting and Working with Your Spirit Guides.  Begin with a visualization that leads you to your guide and allows you to discover new and interesting things about him or her. Once you have met your spirit guide, you will be introduced to basic psychic art techniques and learn how to work with color in psychic readings. You will discover how your spirit guide likes to connect with you and how you intuitively sense when they come into your aura and blend with your energy. Templates will help you draw your spirit guide and create a visual library of your spirit team. you will then be taught how to do psychic readings and learn how color is used to create impressions and give detailed information.

See Also
The Jeweled Path OMTimes


To learn more or to purchase either of these Opening 2 Intuition books, click the book cover or visit:

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