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Are You Getting the Signs?

Are You Getting the Signs?


If you’re like me, then sometimes things happen in our lives that we can’t just explain; things and signs that we sense happen for a reason; synchronicity; even if that reason isn’t apparent right away!


How to Analyze the Signs and Synchronicity in Life?

Most of time, we just sail through life, joining the dots and going from A to B and onward, without stopping to think or analyze whether there’s a reason behind some of the things that go on. Have you heard the same phrase or saying from more than one person in a day? But once in a while, things happen that when you group them together. It’s clear that there’s a pattern and you can’t shrug it off as nothing. These random occurrences are a result of synchronicity. It’s when you sit up and say: “Oh my god, what a coincidence!”


When Special Moments and Soulful Memories Align…

I liken it to something more powerful than just “that moment” when people were at the right place, saying the right things, at the right time. For example, when you were thinking of that precise thought or glance at your watch and notice it’s 4:08 p.m., and those three digits mean something profound to you. It might be that someone who’s birthday is April 8th who you’ve kept meaning to call and suddenly calls you out of the blue. Or, it could have another meaning to you altogether. Is that a coincidence, or is it more about the synchronistic communication of your soul? For me, this is a beautiful example of how the phenomenon of synchronicity helps us to think differently.  And, a chance to step back and see what you are supposed to be learning from that synchronistic event.


A Newer Term with an Insightful Meaning

It’s worth noting that Carl Jung (1875-1961) actually coined the term. He defined synchronicity as meaningful coincidence, and had the effect of breaking through the “rationalistic shell” of the modern, scientific mind.

As most of you know, I’ve devoted my life to teaching and encouraging everyone. I’ve had the honor of either teaching or lecturing to become more aware of your soul, as it awakens. The more you’re aware of the power of your soul, the more you’ll see that every synchronistic moment in your life has a meaning. There’s often something to learn in that meaning. It’s an integral part of your spiritual growth as you advance through life. By noticing synchronistic events and experiences and stopping long enough to evaluate the meaning, you become more connected with the soul. You are more aware of the spiritual connections and the wisdom that comes with it.


John’s Lesson

Tips on tapping into and working with synchronicities

The more you notice and pay attention to meaningful synchronistic events and coincidences, the more they will multiply in your life.

Notice when you run into people unexpectedly. Really listen to what’s being said in the conversation and the hidden message that could be there for you.

If there’s a certain problem in your life, try to let it go and turn it over to synchronicity. What you’re saying to the Divine Source is: “Okay, show me! Let me be aware and act when the answer or guidance is being presented to me.”

See Also

I recommend working with a journal and your intuition to document your synchronistic experiences so you become even more conscious when Source is knocking on your door.

Believe that it’s possible. A positive attitude enhances the experience, just as a negative one will shut it down.


A Few More Words on Synchronicity

Synchronicities and so-called coincidences are clear signs that the Divine Source is knocking on your door. Sometimes it might be a soft tap; or, for those occasions when you’re not paying attention, it could be a loud bang! Source working through synchronicity can manifest in some unique ways. I have my own definition and refer to them as my Divine nudges.

Live a Soul-filled life!

View Comment (1)
  • Yes, I’ve had many of these synchronistic events and I do journal about them. Sometimes the answer is apparent and other times it isn’t. Either way, it allows for that ah-ha moment when all becomes clear. Namaste ~Jen

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