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Colby Psychic Rebel: From Manager to Medium

Colby Psychic Rebel: From Manager to Medium

colby psychic rebel

An Interview with Colby Psychic Rebel: From Manager to Medium

Colby Psychic Rebel is a rebel and trailblazer. No airy-fairy here, she’s a straight-shooter giving it to you honestly & with compassion. She is an international Psychic Medium, a teacher, and a best-selling author. A session with Colby may just feel a bit like talking to a friend. She’s an internationally recognized Psychic Medium, Master Spiritual Teacher, Radio Host, Author & Public Speaker.

Originally from N.J., Colby Psychic Rebel spent 14 years in public accounting and taxation but changed her career. She has endured vigorous testing and is a Certified Master Spiritual Teacher through the Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development in Los Angeles, California (LWISSD), having been personally invited to the program by world-renowned psychic medium Lisa Williams. Colby is a Certified Spiritual Advisor, ™ Advanced Psychic, and Advanced Medium through LWISSD.

Shay Parker: I don’t know if you are as excited as I am about this because I have watched you climb so far in the past few years. We’re going to cover ‘From Manager to Medium.’ You were a Tax Manager, and this is going to be your story of crossing over. Which – know everyone – Colby did not pass away. This is her story of passing over from literally Tax Manager to Medium, and what a whirlwind it has been for you. I’ve just been amazed at how much Spirit has touched your life and your career in the past few years. As a Psychic Medium, obviously you were a Tax Manager before you were Colby Psychic Rebel, a Psychic medium, so can you tell us a little bit about that transition.

COLBY PSYCHIC REBEL: Well, it wasn’t a path that I consciously chose, so it’s never that I was unhappy being a Tax Manager. I loved my career. I loved what I was doing, and I felt that I was helping people with their taxes and advising them on their businesses and their careers. Especially with people who didn’t have the business savvy. So I felt that I was helping and giving back, but I think Spirit had other thoughts in mind. I had always been a Medium since I was a kid, connecting to Spirit, talking to Spirit, but no part of me thought I was supposed to be doing that as a career. It didn’t even cross my mind to do that as a career, but a few years ago there were back-to-back circumstances, and I heard very clearly from Spirit to serve. To change paths, to do something different, to create healing in another way, and to help people in another area, and I resisted for a long time. Once I finally surrendered it has been a whirlwind that I’m so grateful for.

SHAY PARKER: Let’s elaborate a bit on that. At what point did you say, “Hey, I’m going to take a different step, I am going to cross over into a huge career change?” Let’s face it, Manager to Medium that’s a big gap there. Was there a significant occurrence in your life that made you finally take the leap?

COLBY PSYCHIC REBEL: I always say reality to spirituality. It was a big shift. There were a couple of instances. I was taking the CPA exam, and I had it pretty much passed. There are four parts, and I had three out of the four parts passed, and a timetable starts. Once you take your first part, you have a time reference to then pass the other three parts. I was at the end of this timeframe, and I was at my very last part, but at the same time Spirit was very chatty in my ear – very much telling me that I’m not supposed to do this. The night before that exam, I prayed like crazy. I just said, please let me pass this exam, let me have this, let me be a CPA and I promise I’ll serve Spirit. And then I got the results back, and I had failed. At that moment, with a failed score, I lost all the other parts, and my ego was shattered, and I said “Why – Why” and the answer was very clear “Because you cannot compromise with us, now go and serve.” The very next day, I did my first professional reading and have not stopped since. So that was one of the first indicators, like Wow, I’m supposed to take this path.

Another instance that was quite eye opening, I was studying for the exam and I lived in a townhome and had a neighbor we shared a wall, and my heart started to race like crazy. I felt like I had a heart attack, and I grabbed another neighbor, and I said I think something’s wrong with my next-door neighbor. We decided to break into his house. He left his sliding glass back door open. I know this is all so crazy because I opened up the sliding glass door, I went into his home, I went upstairs, and he was nowhere to be found inside that home. I remember feeling how could I have been so wrong about that. It was obviously wrong, and it felt uncomfortable, and I’m sure my neighbor thought I was crazy. The next day the neighbor knocked on the door, and he said I heard you were looking for me. I said, yes, and he said, well I was in the hospital. I said next time you go into the hospital you have to tell me.

Two weeks had passed, and I started to have this heart thing again with him. Same thing, going crazy, and now I really think I’m crazy. So, I don’t want to call the neighbor because she’s not going to believe me, right? She’d already helped me last time. So I decided to call 911 because that’s what every normal person does. I had nothing to go on. I was wrong the last time, but now I’m calling the police. It takes them about an hour to get there. I open up the garage, and they tried to open up his back door, but he had learned to lock it. So now the sliding glass back door is locked, and they asked me “Do you want us to break in the door?” I said, “No, you can’t break in the door – what if I’m wrong.” But there was a tiny little window, and it was very tall, but the officers said we could lift you through that window. They were too big to go through it themselves. I said yes, and now I have the police helping me break in which is even all the more fun. I wiggled through this little window, and I climbed into the house, and I walked into the living room, and there was my neighbor – he was passed away in his armchair. So the Coroner did an autopsy, and they found he had passed from a massive heart attack within the hour that I called them.

SHAY PARKER: Oh, my goodness. What did that look like? What did you do? Did you just call the police and say I’m having palpitations? How did you explain this?

COLBY PSYCHIC REBEL: I know, right. You can’t say I’m having heart palpitations, but I said I am very, very worried about my neighbor, and they said: “What’s happening?” I mean, I didn’t even have an answer. I just said, “I don’t know, I think he’s dying.” And they said, “Well, you know, does he have a family?” I said, “He has no-one.” You know, it was such an adrenaline rush at one point, obviously, and I was concerned because I had been wrong. Two weeks earlier I was wrong. I was shocked when he was passed away, but I also thought “How beautiful that Spirit made sure he wasn’t alone.” That Spirit made sure that I was with him at that moment, that he was found shortly after his passing because he didn’t have friends or family around. It didn’t traumatize me. You would think it would traumatize me, but it didn’t. It felt so peaceful. I think, finally, it was such a sign from Spirit that it felt peaceful. It’s a wake-up story, though, isn’t it?

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SHAY PARKER: Well, I think that with mediumship it’s not traumatizing because you have awareness from a very young age that this is merely a physical incarnation. I mean the soul is eternal, so even though they’re not physically here you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that life continues. So at that point, you decided to make the career change, because I guess with two signs that powerful you knew this was your best path at that point?

COLBY PSYCHIC REBEL: I knew it was the destined path, and I still had worries and reservations. I was making six figures a year. I had a lot of security. I had paid benefits. I had paid vacations. I worked with a great group of people. But, something very deep inside made me know that I had to surrender it, I had to let go. It wasn’t comfortable, and it wasn’t easy, and I want to stress that to people. It’s not that you just know it’s going to be perfect, because you don’t know, but you have to have the courage to believe that you’re meant to do something more and have the courage to follow it. That’s just all it was. It came down to courage; it came down to having this feeling of hearing from Spirit I’m supposed to be doing something else and then having the courage to follow through with it.

SHAY PARKER: You went from Manager to Medium. You had a career that was very successful. So the frightening part for people out there who are reading this article now, and maybe thinking I have something, I have more than my 9 to 5 job, I have a calling with Spirit. What would you say to someone? If they’re in that situation, what do you feel is the most important when someone is looking to make a career change? What would you say to them?

COLBY PSYCHIC REBELI feel like the most important thing is to have the courage and not to settle. Because I think that once you know, you’re supposed to do something else, if you stay with what you are currently doing you know you’re settling. We’re not supposed to stay in this life and settle. We’re supposed to push ourselves. We’re supposed to listen to that inner voice, and then have the courage to follow it because when we do the whole universe starts to open up. It’s like when you discover your life’s purpose, or the next path of your purpose, the roads will open up, and opportunities present themselves. And it’s not just about opportunities. It’s about feeling fulfilled. It’s about feeling passionate about something. That’s something I just don’t want people to settle on. Life is too short to settle. Life is too short to play it safe.

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