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John Holland: The Power of the Soul

John Holland: The Power of the Soul

Power of Soul John Holland

An Interview with John Holland – The Power of the Soul

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.


To listen to the full interview of John Holland by Linda Frisch on Circle of Hearts on the OMTimes Radio Network, click the player below.


John Holland on The Power of the Soul: Inside Wisdom for an Outside World

Interview by Linda Frisch

In these times of transformation, so many people are becoming aware of different potentials. Their abilities and psychic senses are opening, and they are looking for information to help them and to guide them. Today, we are bringing forward John Holland.

John Holland is an international Psychic Medium. He has been featured on the History Channel, A&E, Unsolved Mysteries, and on a radio show on Hay House. An author of several books, but today I want to get you to know him as a soul who has evolved, who has grown along with us on his soul journey, and we are going to showcase one of his books, “Power of the Soul – Inside Wisdom for an Outside World.”

Then, today, just looking at this book, I see that much of this journey which was chronicled in his different books, is really incorporated in the Power of the Soul book. This is a wonderful reference. It is a wonderful guide, because I see John as a very authentic soul, a man of compassion, a spiritual teacher, and a fellow traveler on the path of service. John, how are you?

John Holland:  Good, thank you.


Linda Frisch:  Now, at the beginning of your book, you have a quote: “Imagine yourself as a luminous being of energy and light, because in reality, you are.” Is this how you see the soul?

John Holland:  Yes, totally. We are made up of energy, and so I look at it as we are beings of energy and light. Even scientifically, energy cannot die it simply transforms. So, yes, I believe that we are all luminous beings. Most people just see themselves in a mirror, and that is who they think they really are. That is the reflection of them, but that is not true of who they really are on a spiritual level. We are not our image in the mirror. We are so much more than that.


Linda Frisch:  When did you, through all your journey, come up to the point where you say, ‘Let us deal with people getting to know their inside wisdom?’

John Holland:  The soul tries to get your attention. Before you have the wake-up call, it has already tried giving you a dream. It has already tried giving you an intuitive hit. In your mind, you are saying I really should not be doing this. I do not know why. I do not feel right about this. We do not listen to it.

Then, synchronistic events start happening–the right people in the right place, or sometimes it is just a coincidence. The soul tries to get your attention through your dreams, your intuition, and synchronistic events. You do not pay attention to that, and then you get wake-up calls. A wake-up call could be passing. It could be a relationship ending. It could be you getting fired from your job.

Mine was an automobile accident when I was living in California. That was my wake-up call. I was going a little crazy in L.A. I was a young man, and I was not living a really great life, and the accident put me right back on the path. So, I did not complain, Linda, about my car, is gone, what am I going to do, and I thank God – not for giving me an accident – but I thank God, or my soul, that I had that accident.

As soon as it happened, it was my wake-up call to get my life together, and if it were not for that accident, I would not be on this phone with you. I would not be the person or the professional medium that I am now all because of an accident. If people do not listen to wake-up calls, then that is not a good thing because you only get a few of them. Your soul tries to knock you back on the path, but we have free will here. We have free will. Your spirit could be leading towards your goal, but it is our free will. Do we go towards it or do we run from it?


Linda Frisch:  I sometimes know people cross our paths for information and we are shown different directions. Would this be a possibility on your thoughts of it is part of the past lives? Or how do you see reincarnation fitting into this soul awakening?

John Holland:  Well, there are two different aspects. I think the consciousness of man is somehow shifting. A lot of people are becoming more intuitive. I think what is happening is that we are becoming spiritually awake, and people do not understand why. I think that maybe the consciousness of the Earth is changing or the consciousness of man. We are questioning our own immortality more. We are asking the bigger questions.

So, if someone suddenly is quite intuitive, it does not mean to become a medium, not necessarily. It means use it in your own life to help you, to help the people around you. If the mediumship potential is there, then it will develop, and spirit will help you. But, reincarnation, I know I have done this before.

Dr. Brian Weiss regressed me once, and I was a preacher. It seems I was either a monk or a preacher, or in some type of religious aspect. I mean I did not go back through hundreds of lives. So, I did not do that much research. I did have the regression with him, but it seems I was born this way. Even as a child, as an Irish-Italian Catholic living in Boston, Massachusetts. Yet I was fascinated by watching where we used to go as kids.

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They used to have the Hare Krishnas, you know, in red robes and the bald heads, and the chanting on the Boston Common. I would be found chanting with them, and my mother would be with my other four brothers and sisters and would say, ‘Get over here.’ So, I believe I have done that before.

I was also born with an unbelievable talent for art. And I never took a class as a child. Is it past life or is it in the genes? See, I think it may be a past life, that I have done it before. People say well, it is in the genes, but okay, that is possible, too. I do not know how that works on a scientific DNA level with chromosomes, but I really believe it is a past life, and we keep learning. We keep coming back and learning the lessons.

I mean, like kids that have famine in Africa, or around the world. Why would they choose to be born in that life? You know what you are going to get into before you get here. I really believe that, and I believe that the people that suffer are the ones who are going through a huge spiritual progression, a huge spiritual progression.


So, that is what I believe and, of course, when we come here we do not remember that we chose these conditions. For anyone who is listening, you know they say that everything happens for a reason. I love that saying, and I hate that saying because I do not understand why some things happen. Why a child was taken from their parents, or why a spouse was suddenly taken, also. I do not understand. And I believe sometimes stuff happens, but there are things like that accident I was in that was meant to happen. I think that was my last-ditch effort on a soul level, a spiritual level, to get on my path and I chose to listen to it.

So, “The Power of the Soul,” there is a lot of stuff in there and, when I did the reincarnation part of it, it was just to show you the continuity of the soul. You were a soul long before you came here and you are going to be a soul long after you leave here, until it is time to choose to come back.


Linda Frisch:  As a medium, as being able to see, when people come to you do you see more than what you were talking about “the continuity of the soul?” If you see a person who has passed, can you see further beyond the personality?

John Holland:  Not really. I do not believe another psychic or person should tell you who you were in a past life, I really do not. And I think they should try to understand themselves by going for a past life regression, but I would not do just because you are curious. I mean, past life therapy helps people with anxiety, people who are claustrophobic, or they are having a bad relationship, maybe, with someone. Maybe two sisters are not getting along, maybe in a past life they were mother and daughter. And if they go back to a past life, they can see where the anxiety came from, or where the claustrophobia came from, or the relationship that was difficult in that past life gets carried over here.


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