John Holland: The Power of the Soul

When a student sits with me for reading, I do not do past life readings. I am strictly connecting to their loved ones, but something happens when a student sits with me. It seems the reading takes another course and I start talking about past lives, or their path. This means to me that I am being guided, that they need some additional counseling or instruction. I used to do psychic work. I used to see if someone was going to take a job where it would go, but I do not think the future is set in stone, the person has free will. Every person who sits in front of me is different, but my job is to connect people on the other side.
Linda Frisch: You had a wake-up call. If you look back on your life as part of your legacy right now, would you have chosen the same path? Would you choose the same things?
John Holland: Probably, yes; I probably would have. There are different choices that maybe I would like to, but everything in my past, every pain, every joy, every sorrow, led me to where I am now. For people who are listening, who something dramatic or terrible happened to in their life, did it elevate you, did you learn from it?
I say to people who have got into an awful relationship, “What did you learn from it?” They may say they did not learn anything from that one. Yes, they did, they know what they do not want in their next relationship, obviously, or hopefully that they get that. I think that some of the most painful moments in our lives can be the biggest spiritual catalyst for us.
Linda Frisch: I think that is part of what you are bringing up in this book, Inside Wisdom for an Outside World. You are saying acknowledge yourself. Acknowledge the information that comes up for you, and stop giving your power away to other people by their opinions of you.
John Holland: I wrote “Power of the Soul” because in it I describe what the soul is. All these wonderful things, from synchronistic events to intuition, to psychic ability, to reincarnation, but most people they do not want to do the work, Linda. They would rather go to someone and have someone else tell them what they are supposed to do. A lot of people will not work on their spiritual side. They would rather have someone else try to do it for them.
Linda Frisch: Do you see a change? I know a lot of the radio shows we are doing now, and a lot of information we are doing on OM is presenting this. Do you see that change coming with people?
John Holland: It took me many years, but your soul is part of you. Your spirit, your soul, is part of you, okay? You cannot get away from it. It took us many, many years to pull away from our souls. And it is still part of you, but we forget that it is there. It is going to take a little bit to get back in sync with it, but basically, it gets down to meditation.
Go quiet and listen to that still, inner voice, you know. We have not listened to it for a long time, so it takes a while to get used to listening to it again. But before you reach for that phone just stop when you wake up and put your hands on your chest and say, “I am a soul.” Let your soul get integrated back into the body because it was just home in the spirit world. People forget that when you sleep your spirit goes home; it revitalizes itself and comes back. I mean you are still connected.
So, just take a moment before you reach for that phone. Put your hands on your chest and say, “I am a soul,” and set the intention. The first thought for the day, I want it to be invigorating. I want it to be inspirational. What is that thought before you reach for that phone, because when you start reaching for the social media, it is not always good news, okay, especially lately? So, before you reach for that outer technology, reach for your inner technology. Get it? Before you reach for your outer technology, like your phone, reach for your inner technology, your spirit.
Linda Frisch: What was your passion? What is important also is that you need to give back and be grateful for all that is within, but also to give back to others?
John Holland: I believe that the universe gives and receives, gives and receives. Whether it is a compliment, and thank you, or whatever; and so I believe that to prime the pump of abundance you have to give and receive, give and receive.
I have been very blessed; got to travel and study with a lot of teachers. I have been to Australia, the UK, and Scotland. You know, I am just a guy from the city, from the ghetto, and it is my way of giving back because I have been blessed. It is like paying it forward. It really does work. I do not give to receive, I give because I can. And if I get something back from it then that is great, but I do not give to receive. Some people say, well, can one person make a difference? Absolutely.
At one of my animal charity events, I got a little dog. I would drive by the NHSPCA every day and say I wonder if there is anything I could do. Well, who would have thought that by me getting a puppy ten years ago, it would help bring over $100,000 to the SPCA? I dedicated the fund to help animals brought to the SPCA to save their lives.
I just helped a dog that had three legs, and it hurt its one leg in the back – it tore its ACL – it needed $4,000 to $5,000 for an operation and rehab and water therapy. Well, the CODA fund – the fund that I started – paid for it, and that animal got to go home with the family, and maybe that three-legged dog is going to change some of those people’s lives. So, you never know.
It is all about giving back. I believe that is what it is all about. People say “What is my purpose?” Well, it is your purpose to use your talents, gifts, and abilities to help others while you are here. It is not to be a medium, an author or a plumber or a president. My ability of mediumship is my talent in helping others because we are all connected, Linda. We forget that we are all connected, no matter race, creed, color, financial. We are all connected here.
Linda Frisch: I am glad you are pursuing that because you have a very passionate way of presenting the information. It is very warm. I am really glad that you came on today, and that people can hear you speak. I think it is an important component of being able to hear a person’s voice and the passion they put forth, so if our listeners did not know you, I am sure they will know you now.
They will see you as a very warm and evolved soul. Of course, you also mentioned part of paying it forward because people do not realize that is another important part. All right, John Holland, I really thank you today for coming on and sharing your soul with us. So, I wish you luck, and I will be in touch again.
To know more about John and his outstanding work, please visit:

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