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Transitioning from Life to Death

Transitioning from Life to Death

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What can we expect after the transitioning from this earthly life to the next one?

Transitioning from Human Being to Conscious Spirit

 Life on Earth is just part of a soul’s journey through the Universe.

We incarnate through a miraculous process of life and transition back again to spirit in conscious evolution.

Although it can be a controversial subject, many people have a natural curiosity about how our earthly missions will end and our transitioning to the next phase. If we are believers in the spirit surviving the body’s death, then where will our soul reside without it? The world’s religions have different views on this. Some believe that we will be “asleep” until certain events “wake us up,” thinking this was about physical death. It may have been referencing our spiritual death while we are still breathing and that awakening occurs during our earth lifetime.

There are many accounts of afterlife communication. Accurate, clear, concise knowledge from talented energy receivers who have validated scores of incredible information. Since most people don’t incarnate here with a manual, we live through or seek out spiritual information from a myriad of sources. Those sources determine our belief system until/unless we seek out new, more evolved information offering proof enough to change our thinking. We can also choose to adopt a more ancient religion that appeals to our soul’s calling. If we can stay open-minded and think with an open-hearted willingness to accept ourselves as spiritual beings, we have the capability to witness and create miracles.

Those miracles come in moments of connection and celebration of our spirits. The souls which reside in our fragile bodies are truly indestructible light filled orbs of energy. They can send along life-saving information, healing light, energy, and comfort in the darkest night of a human life. The universe is filled with the unseen life of these energies. Angels, ascended masters, loved ones, our beloved pets and all the other souls who give their love to us unconditionally are able to send help.

Many people believe that the moment in which our consciousness leaves our body, we begin transitioning back to the light that brought us here. The light in which we were created heals us so that we understand the purpose of our being. It is also a common spiritual belief that we are tasked with judging our actions, and we can decide if we would be brave enough to incarnate again.

We could decide to be a spirit guide for someone else’s soul growth. We may determine that the other side is a good place to be of service. We are also given the gift of communication back to our loved ones if we are called upon to help someone who is grieving or just needs to know we made it to our destination.

It can also be true that some of us take a detour before we get there. Our journey may take us to the place between Earth and the dimensions where Heaven resides if we don’t have proper directions. There have been numerous accounts of souls who remain in limbo unable to trust that there is soul healing waiting for them, just a thought away in their own consciousness.

Many people who serve as mediums for spirit have reported the activities of souls residing in heavenly dimensions. They interpret what the view was like, what their purpose there is, ways in which they can break through the denseness to deliver messages and energy. There are also accounts of what it’s like to transition back to spirit from both mediums and from those who have come back to life after physical demise. Numerous accounts of near-death experiences have been documented from all over the world.

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There have always been doubts, unanswered questions and skepticism surrounding the process of soul transition after death. If we have incarnated here more than once, then we have obviously been through it already. Some of us might even remember how it happened through past life regression. The true process and its meaning remain a mystery for most of us until we experience ourselves. The ascension process will keep moving us forward as we evolve these human brains to understand the metaphysical world more brightly. If our consciousness is energy and survives our physical body, we will manifest immortality keeping us curious and open-hearted about the trip!


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