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Why You Should Unclutter Your Soul

Why You Should Unclutter Your Soul

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Unclutter Your Soul!

Is it possible that when you clear out and unclutter parts of your life, that it, in turn, can help you on a soul level? The answer: YES!

Recently I went to a book talk at a local bookstore to hear Kerri Richardson, a colleague and dear friend speak about her new book: “What Your Clutter Is Trying to Tell You – Uncover the Message in the Mess and Reclaim Your Life. Kerri gave a fantastic and very inspirational talk on how and why clutter builds up in so many of our lives. When you clear clutter from your life – you’re making room for more positive things to come in and enter your life. When I say, “more things” to enter your life I don’t mean “more stuff.” By creating space, it allows for new opportunities, ideas, and additional mental capacity to take on new hobbies, learning, etc., as you’re energetically clearer.

I was so inspired by Kerri’s talk that I set out to tackle a chore that I’ve been putting off for months and months! Ok, maybe years! Yes, I finally made the decision to clear out my storage unit. It was full of not only some of my “stuff” as I like to put it, but friends had “stuff” stored there too! When my mom passed, I had stored her belongings and boxes in there with the intention of sorting them, but I never got around to it at the time. I realized that it has been 6 years since my mom passed and I was still hanging onto all her things that the family didn’t want or ever come look at it. The funny thing is I have a huge basement at home that’s half empty, and I’d often be reminded by friends how I could save the monthly fee for the storage unit! But I knew I needed to not just move the “stuff” but to get rid of it, donate it, sell or give away what was no longer needed or wanted.

I realize now having completed the task, that clearing out something physical like this unit is similar to when you decide to unclutter your mental clutter too! I’d been telling myself: “John you really do need to go down and clear out your unit” for so long, that in a way, it became a mental battle of wits and was draining me on an energetic level. Finally, I started to clear out my storage unit, and the more I cleared out – the lighter I felt.

I was taught many years ago, that we all have energetic cords that become attached to projects, relationships, people, etc. The longer you think about something that needs to be done or addressed, the thicker the cord gets! So, by the simple act of clearing out my storage unit released that cord that had been draining me on a soul level. I’ve only just recently tackled this project, and positive opportunities are now presenting themselves to me already.

I believe I was supposed to be at that talk Kerri gave, and it gave me the inspiration to finally “let go” of an area in my life that was ready to leave.


John’s Lesson

Let’s use Kerri’s guidance: Start your unclutter process small. Let’s take that pile of unfiled bills, for example. By spending just 15 minutes separating them into categories, you’ll immediately begin reclaiming your power from them. By no longer ignoring the pile or dreading tackling it, spending even a small amount of time on handling it creates a powerful, energetic shift in your body, mind, and soul.

Another great idea in case you feel overwhelmed to even start an uncluttering project is to set a timer for 25 minutes and set out to do some uncluttering. Even doing just 25 minutes, (and you should stick to that time) will be the start of you feeling lighter and you will feel a sense of accomplishment. A big part of getting rid of clutter is practicing loving compassion with yourself, and instead of seeing resistance as a negative force, treat it as a creative partner instead. When you team up in this way, there’s little that can stop you!

See Also

Live a Soulfilled life!


You will also enjoy John Holland: The Power of the Soul

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