The Destructive Nature of Gossip

If we examine our hearts and minds more closely in empathy for every soul who has suffered needlessly from jealous gossip, we work to make positive changes in the collective consciousness.
Gossip will damage you as much as others
We have all been the victim of gossip, through our own words, or the words of someone else. Gossip can destroy lives, the trust of others, and life-long friendships. It is like a spiritual assault on our souls to discuss others without their input or understanding of their privacy. We open the door to being under scrutiny ourselves, even worse, we hurt someone deeply by repeating things we know or hear. It doesn’t matter if the gossip is true or not it only matters that we use discretion and integrity with any information we receive. Is it true? Is it kind? Will this knowledge help someone from being hurt? Is it based on hatred or jealousy for this person that is not justified?
Make no mistake that if someone is telling you about everyone else and their life challenges or blessings, they are most likely talking about you too. We live in a very dangerous age of false information, gossip magazines, and reality shows. People have started assuming that since others tell every secret imaginable about their lives on these shows it is open season on friends and family too. Truly it is not in anyone’s best interest to be caring all the time about what anyone thinks but it is just not productive to judge and accuse another without a very good reason.
Jealousy is known to be at the root of most gossip. When one person feels threatened by another, it can cause them to make-up or repeat stories about their rival(s) just to eliminate the competition. Even good or best friends have fallen prey to ego and imagined slights when someone feels ignored and it causes a friendship to end. Here are a few biblical quotes from Proverbs that prove we have been gossiping for a very long time now;
Proverbs 16:28 A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.
Proverbs 26:22 The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body.
Proverbs 26:20 For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.
How do we work together collectively to end this cycle of abusing each other? Compassion, understanding, and acceptance of others who think and act differently is a good start. If we could all spend less time reading, repeating and watching gossip about each other much more could get done. We could love more, laugh more, learn more and lead happier lives if we can learn to share more instead of gossip. Gathering together in common open discussions with each other and actually listening to our stories together. Stopping someone when they start gossiping or complaining about another is also our responsibility. Stopping ourselves from repeating what someone has said or told us in confidence is something we usually have to learn as children.
As adults, we make choices every day on what we will and will not accept into our personal energy spaces. If we are offended by gossip about ourselves or our family and friends then we should as well be offended by the glazed, celebrity magazines in the checkout lines at the grocery stores. If we collectively stop buying and reading these ridiculous headlines, media outlets will have to start printing something more intelligent and worthwhile to read. Such as helpful information on how to meditate, knit a sweater, research a book, make soup, etc. We as a society are responsible for accepting hurtful gossip as a normal occurrence when we know in our souls that life would be a little sweeter with more love and acceptance.
Gossip is such a negative and demeaning practice to the karmic energies that surround us. There is a big difference between someone admitting a transgression or having to show proof through media exploitation of someone’s actions and hurtful gossip based on ego. If we examine our hearts and minds more closely in empathy for every soul who has suffered needlessly from jealous gossip, we work to make positive changes in the collective consciousness. We all have the power to think about our words and how they affect everything and everyone around us, most of all, ourselves.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.