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Unveiling Isis

Unveiling Isis

Isis OMTimes

OMTimes Digital eZine
A few years ago there lived in an African village, an Abyssinian who passed for a sorcerer.  A German who was in search of ostrich feathers, offered the magician a five-franc piece if he would allow him to fire his gun with the muzzle touching his body. The man at first refused; but, finally, after appearing to hold a conversation with somebody inside the ground, consented. The experimenter carefully loaded, and pressing the muzzle of the weapon against the sorcerer’s body, after a moment’s hesitation, fired: the barrel burst into fragments as far down as the stock, and the man walked off unhurt.

This quality of invulnerability can be imparted to persons both by living adepts and by spirits. In our own time several well-known mediums have frequently, in the presence of the most respectable witnesses, not only handled blazing coals and actually placed their face upon a fire without singeing a hair, but even laid flaming coals upon the heads and hands of bystanders, as in the case of Lord Lindsay and Lord Adair.. ..In fact, many great commanders have been believed by their soldiers to bear what is called “a charmed life”.(11)

In “Art-Magic,” one of the most delightful pictures presented to us is that of an innocent little child medium, in whose presence, during the past three years, four volumes of MSS, in the ancient Sanskrit, have been written by the spirits, without pens, pencils or ink. It is enough,” says the author, “to lay the blank sheets on a tripod, carefully screened from the direct rays of light, but still dimly visible to the eyes of attentive observers. The child sits on the ground and lays her head on the tripod, embracing its supports with her little arms. In this attitude, she most commonly sleeps for an hour, during which time the sheets lying on the tripod are filled up with exquisitely formed characters in the ancient Sanscrit.”(12)

There is a difference between a medium and a magician. An adept, an anonymous author of Art-Magic, states: “The reader may inquire wherein consists the difference between a medium and a magician?.. .The medium is one through whose astral spirit other spirits can manifest, making their presence known by various kinds of phenomena. Whatever these consist of, the medium is only a passive agent in their hands. He can neither command their presence, nor will their absence; can never compel the performance of any special act, nor direct its nature. The magician, on the contrary, can summon and dismiss spirits at will; can perform many feats of occult power through his own spirit; can compel the presence and assistance of spirits of lower grades of being than himself, and effect transformations in the realm of nature upon animate and inanimate bodies.” (13)

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About the Author

Marguerite Dar Boggia presently serves as Secretary and Membership Chairperson of ISAR (the International Society for Astrological Research). She formerly served as publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR Journal and as Secretary and Director of ISAR and UAC, (the United Astrology Congress). She was a co-founder of UAC. Her articles are published in the ISAR journal and in other publications. At this time she offers FREE of charge three pages weekly online of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings as was known by Pythagoras. She can be contacted through her website which she created at the age of 90:


1 Blavatsky H.P. Isis Unveiled, Theosophical University Press, 1972
2 Ibid, XXVII
3 de Purucker, G., Occult Glossary, Theosophical University Press, 1972 pp. 9-10
4 Wikipedia – Convulsionnaires of Saint-Médard was a group of 18th-century French religious pilgrims who exhibited convulsions and later constituted a religious sect and a political movement. This practice originated at the tomb of François de Pâris, an ascetic Jansenist deacon who was buried at the cemetery of the parish of Saint-Médard in Paris. The convulsionnaires were associated with the Jansenist movement, which became more politically active after the papal bull Unigenitus officially banned the sect.
5 Ibid Blavatsky pp. 370-371
6 Ibid pp. 372-373
7 Ibid pp. 373-374
8 Ibid pp. 374-375
9 Ibid p. 378
10 Ibid p. 361
11 Ibid pp. 378-379
12 Ibid p 368
13 Ibid pp. 159-160

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