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The Law of Resonance and Memories

The Law of Resonance and Memories

Law of Resonance OMTimes

What is the Law of Resonance and how does it pertain to memories?

What is the Law of Resonance?

By KayaOMTimes Digital eZineI remember reading a story once, which is from Panchatantra stories one of the oldest surviving fables from India. It is an Ancient Indian collection of interrelated animal fables in verse and prose, and the animals depict a ‘personality.’ In one of the stories, a lion goes near a well and peeps inside. He finds his reflection in the water, but he did not know that it was his own shadow. Thinking that who else could be as powerful as him, he roared, and the shadow roared back with an echo. His ego felt challenged, he felt bothered, and he was angry and hence jumped into the water to kill his own shadow and lost his life.

Just like this lion, we all meet our own shadows in the form of people and the emotions that we experience with them. Someone who lives is an ordinary consciousness goes through all kinds of feelings like competition, jealousy, envy, joy, love, anger, etc. while being with people in office, home, friends, etc. And reacts like this lion due to the lack of spiritual knowledge because he does not know that everyone is reflecting his own self in percentages, he does not know what is ‘The Law of Resonance.’ Hence the person reacts, fights, and gets involved in the vicious cycle of ignorance. And due to that, just like this lion, feels broken, tired, stressed and sometimes ‘Lifeless.’

What is the secret of the universe that can help one to transcend this inner lion, all other internal animal instincts and one day even the human aspects that are not divine? It is the law of resonance that changes one day, everything for an initiate, the way he perceives himself, the life and the reality concrete. He becomes able to see and understand his shadow as a reflection of his hidden as well as apparent aspects. He becomes ‘Wise’!

The Law of Resonance explains that we always attract what we are regarding memories, both positively and negatively. Understanding this law is essential for us to be able to accept that in an assault or aggressive situation, we are as much the aggressor as the victim, we are both the person who aggresses and attacks others as we are the person (or people) attacked. Understanding the Law of resonance in dreams as well as in concrete reality is fundamental for the correct interpretation of dreams and signs. However, since we only know an infinitesimal percentage of ourselves, we don’t realize the resonance we have with a person or situation that attracts or bothers us. That is why it is important not to identify 100% with the negativity that we experience – disturbances, ordeals, difficulties, etc. – but always remind ourselves that we also have beautiful qualities and potentiality. Nevertheless, we have to be prepared to accept that, to a certain degree, on an individual level, we do indeed have similar aspects to the person or situation in question. The will to apply the Law of resonance in all circumstances is a critical element in the evolution work.

In Physics, Resonance is a phenomenon in which a vibrating system or external force drives another system to vibrate with a higher amplitude at specific frequencies. A familiar example is a playground swing, which acts as a pendulum. Pushing a person on a swing in time with its resonant frequency makes the swing go higher and higher. Or take for example a piano. If we tune two pianos at the exact same frequency and keep them close to each other. When we play a note on one keyboard, the other piano will sound the same note with greater amplitude. The same goes for each time we are put out or feel joyful by something, someone, or a situation. Regardless of the degree of frustration or joy, it’s because we have memories in our unconscious that resonate with whatever is bothering us or making us happy. This is an absolute fact. Even if we apparently have nothing to do with what we are shown, the fact remains that there’s resonance in the dimension of our memories and therefore the frequencies connect.

But what are memories? Memory is an organic, psychological function that allows us to record, preserve, and restitute the information we have accumulated. Memory constitutes our ability to remember, to mentally reconstitute the past for ourselves. It participates in our identity, intelligence, and affectivity because it allows us to store what we perceive and record through our 5 senses (hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch). These are entrance doors permitting access to information coming from both the outside and the inside, such as pain or pleasure. The specialized areas of our brain: associative, sensitive, gustatory, visual, auditory, and olfactory constantly recognize, analyze, and deal with information conveyed through our senses. This sensorial, sensitive memory sets our tastes, preferences, and our search for sensation. Our conscious memories represent a tiny, minuscule part of our global memory, the majority of which remains hidden behind the veil of unconsciousness. This veil separates what we know about ourselves from what we have forgotten, repressed, frozen, buried, stored away, left waiting, dormant, or half awake. Even if we don’t know about all these memories, they are still present in us and affect us in many ways depending on the category they belong to. Indeed, the unconscious memories contained in our soul, or personal computer, are also connected to the collective memory, i.e., to all that exists in the Universe.


Types of Memories

Unconscious personal memories. Lodged directly underneath the veil, in the unconscious part called the subconscious, these memories are nearest the conscious level

Memories concerning all of the elements of our life from life in the womb till today. They represent our deep personal unconscious

Unconscious family memories transmitted by our family and ancestors

Unconscious ethnic memories accumulated by our race or ethnic group, containing all the events it has experienced

Unconscious collective memories accumulated by the whole of Mankind, as well as all of the archetypes (the knowledge and meaning of all symbols)

And finally, the unconscious organic memories contained in the history of Life from its origin.

Since we have existed, just like a living computer, we have recorded in our soul all of our positive and negative memories. Our behavior and attitudes are the results of our evolution, which occurs by our memories. Memories manifest in different forms according to the Law of resonance, always revealing certain known or unknown aspects, facets, and characteristics of ourselves. Our memories reveal who we have become, and who we were in all of our lives. They represent the numerous influences we experienced, and they warn us of what we could become if we do not transform the negative that dwells in us into a positive, constructive force. Simultaneously they connect us with everything that exists in the Universe. They are our multi-dimensional, karmic luggage, as well as the most secret memories we have kept encoded in our deepest depths.

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In our dreams as well as in concrete reality, we constantly visit our memories. Often coded, we need to know the symbolic language and apply the Law of resonance and the principle of the mirror effect to be able to read, decode, and understand them. When we begin to work on our memories, becoming aware of them, purifying, transforming, and liberating them, we are first of all put in touch with our personal and family memories. As we gradually evolve, Cosmic Intelligence orchestrates learning experiences, apprenticeships, encounters, and life scenarios for us that lead us to work on collective, ethnic memories. Our personal life program is often an integral part of a program for collective evolution, which may concern a more or less large group of people in a social, cultural, economic, political, humanitarian organization context, on a regional, national, or international scale.

Understanding the fact that we are a collection of data and memories that communicate with each other as well as with everything that exists, allows us to better perceive the multi-dimensions we visit in our dreams, as well as the magic of synchronicity and coincidences that manifest in our daily life. We always attract, on all levels, what we are, what resonates with our memories.

When we understand the Law of Resonance and the concept of memories, then we understand that I attract who I am. Before we know ourselves, we only know a tiny part of who we are conscious. I know most of us feel we know who we are completely and yet we do not understand what happens to us every day. We question life, again and again, asking why me or why not me? By observing our day, every day, little by little, it is possible to know ourselves better. Sometimes people feel that other people were discussing them or talking ill of them. With time they cannot keep friends, and because of their insecurities, it is easier to find faults in everyone and talk about it to be accepted, as people love to hear what is not right! Then with the understanding of Law of Resonance when one seeks to observe their insecurities, works on changing himself, also look for the positive in people and as time passes the resonance reduce and one day leads to transcendence. With resonance, it is important to constantly modify self on the inside, and it has helped one be at ease with people and genuinely see the good in them. When we are disturbed or bothered by an event in life, it reveals to us a part that was hidden, and now it has presented itself as a gift because we are ready now in many ways to be aware of their existence. If we experience and attract what is beautiful, positive, pure and divine, it is because we have these qualities within. If we attract or experience distorted, imperfect or inappropriate aspects or situations, that means we have this within us, too.

When we start observing our inner states and can establish connections with what is happening on the outside, we get information that helps us identify what needs to be modified and transformed within ourselves. In this process, we start to develop qualities. We understand the Law of Resonance and apply it in our daily lives. Practicing the Law of Resonance helps the evolution of our soul and prevents us from going around in circles. When we understand the lesson in every ordeal, every situation, we need not repeat it over and over again. For example, when we study in a class, and we understand our lessons well and practice and do well in our evaluations we don’t have to repeat that class, we naturally progress to a higher class. This progression in our being helps us cleanse our Karmas and poor actions because we start to perceive others and all our experiences as a reflection of who we are. We have all heard of the mirror effect, and our Reality is our Mirror!

Know yourself, and you will know the Universe! That is the true meaning of the Law of Resonance.


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About the Author

For more info on Kaya & Christiane Muller: UCM Teaching and Research Center,

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