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Andrew Pacholyk: Spiritual Journey through Life’s Seasons

Andrew Pacholyk: Spiritual Journey through Life’s Seasons

Spiritual Journey through Life’s Seasons

Andrew Pacholyk is an ongoing contributor to such publications as Aroma Therapy Times, Health Magazine and, of course, our own OMTimes Magazine. Andrew is the author of the transformational Health and Wellness Course, the Crystal Astrologer Course and Chakracology Course. His other healing studies include the Color Elite, Color Therapy Course, the Complete Meditation and his most popular, the Crystal Light, Crystal Therapy Course.

An Interview with Andrew Pacholyk: Spiritual Journey through Life’s Seasons

Interview by Victor Fuhrman

How can we best navigate the seasons of life and maintain balance, optimal health, spiritual growth, happiness, and peace?

Andrew Pacholyk has been addressing this question during his lengthy healing and spiritual practice. Andrew Pacholyk is a licensed andrew pacholykAcupuncturist and certified Herbalist in the State of New York, with a full-time practice in New York City. Andrew specializes in rejuvenating therapies based on the ancient Chinese medical approach to Endocrinology, Gynaecology and pain management. His knowledge, expertise and clinical training have offered him the ability to experience and continually learn about the body and its energy systems in health as well as in disease. Andrew is also an Educator. He has taught and certified more than 100,000 students worldwide in these specific healing techniques. is Andrew’s life work. focuses on a place for you to come and relax and become a centered and more powerful human being. Andrew’s articles on spirituality, health, and wellness have been published all over the world in 30 languages.

He joints me to discuss his most recent book “Lead Us to a Place – Your Spiritual Journey through Life’s Seasons.” Welcome, Andrew Pacholyk. Please tell us a little about your journey.

ANDREW PACHOLYK: Yes, well, my first career was as a professional dancer for 20 years. I was fortunate enough to travel the world and further my dance career using my own. I was able to see some of the most amazing and sacred places on earth, and in each location, I learned more about the culture and local traditions and even more about myself. I was really able to express myself through movement and song and acting, and I was able to use my body as an instrument to show other people who I was and how I would relate to the world through self-expression.

VICTOR FUHRMAN: What brought you to your spiritual path?

ANDREW PACHOLYK: It’s interesting. I was at the end of my dance career. I didn’t quite know where to go at that point. Unfortunately, I had an accident where I sustained second and third-degree burns over my left arm and both of my legs which was debilitating, physically, for about seven months of my life; but, emotionally, for about seven years later after that. So, lost after my dance career, I had no direction, and I sought out the healing path of Acupuncture to help me to cope with this.


VICTOR FUHRMAN: How did Acupuncture play a part in this? What about your attraction to Herbal Medicine?

ANDREW PACHOLYK: Acupuncture not only healed me physically, but it was able to get me onto a more mental and stronger path. Herbs have been in my family since I was very young. We grew up on a farm, and my Mum was always giving us herbal remedies so my Dad would grow a lot of herbs in the garden, and that’s how we chose to get better, with the herbs usually.


VICTOR FUHRMAN: What herbs were you using during this period of time?

ANDREW PACHOLYK: Well, when we were younger, we’d use basic herbs like pepper and chamomile and lavender. My Mum grew lots of flowers that she would make into decoctions that we would take as children and cough syrup medications all from herbs and flowers. So that was my background at the base.


VICTOR FUHRMAN: During your healing from the burns, what herbal medications were you using?

ANDREW PACHOLYK: Well, I was introduced to Chinese herbal medicine. The Acupuncturist was also an Herbalist who actually gave me salves made from herbs, and I took formulas internally to help the skin heal as well.


VICTOR FUHRMAN: How would you describe the ancient Chinese medical approach to these topics?

ANDREW PACHOLYK: Well, the Chinese have been doing this for over 3,000 years and what they have learned over all this trial and error is how to treat the body and the three systems of healing, which is mental, physically and spiritually. So, with the application of Acupuncture, it really helps the body to help itself; to help the body heal itself. The application of herbs taken internally helps from the inside out, and the spiritual component is something I think that comes along through that journey that you experience through those healing sessions.

VICTOR FUHRMAN: Your bio talks about three specific fields; Endocrinology, Gynaecology and Pain Management. How does Chinese medicine just address these briefly?

ANDREW PACHOLYK: When I decided to go into Acupuncture, I fell really into the field of infertility, which is now my specialty. I worked a lot with the Endocrine system and the Gynaecological system for treating infertility.


VICTOR FUHRMAN: How do the Chinese Medicine approach and address pain management?

ANDREW PACHOLYK: Pain management is what Acupuncture is probably most famous for, so a lot of times we apply acupuncture with the eastern. We connect the needles to an electrical current to stimulate the needles and speed up healing. There are a few theories. One theory is that it works through the central nervous system, through the brain and spinal cord. Another theory believes that it works on a sub-atomic level; basically, so that it’s working on a level we don’t see or is unforeseen. The third is that it works through the central nervous system.

VICTOR FUHRMAN: What is the purpose of checking pulses in Acupuncture?

ANDREW PACHOLYK: Yes, so in the wrists and in the feet, there are pulse points, and they each represent different organs on the left and the right side of the body. So, when we’re checking pulses, we’re usually checking for an excess or deficiency in the beat or rhythm or depth of the pulse. It’s just another diagnostic tool that we use to help define a pattern.


VICTOR FUHRMAN: As is the case with mastery, the student became the teacher, and I must say what an awesome teacher you’ve become with more than 100,000 certified students. When did you begin teaching? What was that experience like?

See Also

ANDREW PACHOLYK: Probably about 15 years ago. It’s been a long journey to reach that path but helping people to learn has really become my passion. So, structuring courses to help people to understand and practice has really been my passion. Sometimes people want to have private tutoring and private treatment so I will incorporate that into my practice. They will come during the practice hours, and we have an hour of time together, and we work on the modality of healing they wish to work on. Or, sometimes, we will do groups of students that want to learn together.

VICTOR FUHRMAN: For readers that may be interested in pursuing one of these modalities, how can they get in touch with you?

ANDREW PACHOLYK: They can always get in touch with me through The website introduces all the courses that we share, and people can sign up right there on the website and choose the course they wish to follow. I think we are really all healers inside. We just have to tap into that vein or that energy or that train of thought.


VICTOR FUHRMAN: What may we find at in addition to your teaching offerings?

ANDREW PACHOLYK: There are thousands of articles that I’ve written over 20-some years now that I’ve actually put on paper or put on the website for people to go and read more about experiences in alternative and complementary healing. They can also find information on illnesses and disorders and how we treat them. I have my own line of herbal tinctures, made out of western herbs that we have created for specific disorders, as well as teas and herbal teas.


VICTOR FUHRMAN: How important is a regular practice of meditation and mindfulness to becoming a professional in this work?

ANDREW PACHOLYK: I think it’s important because it really helps to ground you. It really helps to center you, especially at the beginning of the day when you can set your intention and start your path for the day. Also, at the end of the day, after you’ve come home. It’s been a frazzled day; you’ve done a million things. It’s time for you just to sit and reconnect with yourself.


VICTOR FUHRMAN: During the teaching of the practice, how do you get people to get into that side of the mind that is more receptive and open to the subtle energy?

ANDREW PACHOLYK: I tell them that they have to leave everything outside at the door when they come in.

They have to start to focus on themselves, to be more in tune with what they’re feeling,

Continue to Page 2 of the Interview with Andrew Pacholyk

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