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Kim Russo: Your Soul Purpose

Kim Russo: Your Soul Purpose

Kim Russo OMTimes

Kim Russo, known around the world as “The Happy Medium,” A&E hit series “Paranormal State” and “Psychic Kids” as well as Biography Channel’s “Celebrity Ghost Stories.” These opportunities paved the way for her own series, “The Haunting Of…,” which became the #1 series on the Lifetime Movie Network. Her best-selling first book, The Happy Medium, has now been joined by her second book, Your Soul Purpose.

An Interview with Kim Russo: Your Soul Purpose

Interview by Victor Fuhrman

Photos by © Cristina Calvi

Your soul PurposeThere are questions as old as the first human developed the ability to ask them. “Why are we here on this earth?” “Does life have significance and meaning?” “Are there lessons we’ve come to learn?” “Is there a higher purpose for all of us to aspire to?” Answering these questions is difficult for most of us but my guest the world-famous psychic medium Kim Russo, who possesses a unique gift that allows her to see what many of us cannot.

Kim Russo, known around the world as “The Happy Medium,” starred on Lifetime Movie Network’s popular show, The Haunting Of…, and speaks annually at hundreds of presentations across the United States. In her first book, The Happy Medium, she shared how at a very young age, she realized that she could communicate with the dead and offered lessons from her experience.

In her brand-new book, Your Soul Purpose—How to Access the Light Within, she guides us to embrace love, let go of fear and discover the spiritual tools we already possess to find the deeper meaning of our existence and fulfill our destiny.

Kim Russo: It’s a two-fold answer, but technically they started answering me when I was in my late 20s. When you said communicate when I was a child, I would see spirits standing at the foot of my bed nightly, and the difference back then to now is they were staring through me. They never had any words to say. They never had any facial expressions.

Knowing what I know now as an adult, I believe they were from the Depression-era. They were very sad-looking. I think back now, I can see exactly how they were, and they wouldn’t smile. They wouldn’t communicate. They would stare at me while I was going to sleep.

So, years later, after an uncle of mine passed away, and after my third child was born, they started talking to me in my mind’s eye, I thought I was losing my mind. I heard voices, I heard thoughts that were not mine, and I heard information that, if I were to take dictation and listen to what they were saying, many of them wanted me to look for their families and deliver a message, and these were strangers. So, I was arguing with the voices. How do you expect me to find your family? I don’t know who you are. I don’t know if this is my imagination.

The long story short, one afternoon I was putting my youngest, who was a baby, up for a nap in the bedroom, and I ventured into my bedroom. I said, “Okay, now it’s time. Let me straighten up the home.” I was making my bed; when I bend down to pick up a throw pillow to put on the bed, as I turned my whole body, there was a figure in the doorway. It was the quickest vision and thought from this figure came rushing into my head, what this figure wanted to say to me, and she told me she died in a fire, and she turned her head for a split second, and everything was charred on one side of her body. So, I knew it wasn’t a solid entity, yet it was speaking to me, and it told me to find her parents. At the time, she told me where they lived. They were in New Jersey somewhere, and she told me their names and her name, and she told me to contact them.

I am a skeptic by nature. I didn’t believe any of it. I thought I was hallucinating, who would take that direction and start looking in New Jersey? So, that’s how it went down; the voices haven’t stopped. They came back with a vengeance; they’re like my best friends on the other side. I speak more to them than living on most days.


Victor Fuhrman: So, how do they present themselves? Do they always present themselves visually, or is it the voice that you hear, or a feeling, or is it a combination? It is about being clairsentient, clairvoyant, clairaudient. Is it a combination for you?

Kim Russo: It is now. In the beginning, I was only clairaudient, where I was hearing them. I don’t mean when I was a child. Children have no, predisposed programs that they’re conditioned. They come in very innocent and naturally, with a loving, open heart. Back then it was very much clairvoyant. As time went on, I became a teenager, all that shut down, and I do believe that was to have my kids and my family.

I do believe that was my first soul purpose, soul contract that I planned on. So, I needed to fulfill that first.

When they started coming full force again, it was more clairaudient. I was hearing, just as I would go about my day, “Hi, Kim. My name is Carol,” “I died of a heart attack,” and they would always tell me how they died, and I would have these arguments in my mind. Like, well, leave me alone. I can’t help you. Somehow, they knew I could help them, and it started that way.


Victor Fuhrman: Now, often this gift runs in families. Did anyone in your family before you have the gift?

Kim Russo: Absolutely. My father’s sister who lived out of the country my whole life has a gift, but she didn’t have the gift that I have. We’ve always known about her, and when she would come to America, anyone who was ill or not feeling well, she would do some prayer, and she has the gift. She’s still alive. She has the gift of healing.

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The healing energy works through her, and I don’t even think I would call it Reiki. She had her form of doing this, and my dad said that when they were children, and they all shared one bedroom in Europe growing up, they were very poor. She would get up in the middle of the night in some form of a trance with her arms raised to the heavens. She would ask the angels to come here, and they knew not to wake her up because she was in some trance, and so, we always knew about her, but I was always afraid of her, to be honest. Children, I guess it’s what you don’t understand, you fear.


Victor Fuhrman: I often hear from parents who share that their children appear to be open to subtle energy and spirit, and they ask for advice. What would you share with them?

Kim Russo: The biggest advice I would give any parent is to listen to your child when they speak about having an imaginary friend, especially If they’re fearful in their bed all of a sudden when they can’t sleep because they feel someone’s in their room. I would have the parent together with the child, go in there and try to form some communication, and do prayers, and let them know that they’re safe and that the child has all the control, and that nobody else has the control over them. The advice I would give them is to listen and believe your child. I have a whole chapter in my first book The Happy Medium that speaks about a bubble technique that they can do with their child every morning, so the child feels protected, and the child will be protected.


Victor Fuhrman: For those who have not yet read The Happy Medium, what would you like them to take away from that book? What message do you want them to take from that book?

Kim Russo: There are a few; for those people who are struggling with institutions such as religious organizations that teach people that their gifts are actually from the devil, that they don’t possess any power, that it’s all make-believe. I struggled with the same belief system, that has been stopping so many people open up to their heart and putting their faith in just these organizations and institutions.

Continue to Page 2 of the Interview with Kim Russo

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