Music of the Soul, Soul of the Music

Our consciousness is wired for sound healing. When we listen to the music of the soul, we are powerful, glowing beings of endless creation and constant soul evolution.
Music of, and for, the Soul
Most of us have memories of songs which remind of us of life experiences or feelings that were brought to light just because we listened. A beautiful melody or message that stirs our being to dream or take action becomes ingrained in our learning process as souls on life missions; Music is magic. The emotions and insights that occur because of the sound of instruments, voices and arrangements elevate our frequencies to bring us further into evolution.
Meditation practices often include tones, sounds, bells, human voices chanting and nature to help connect the higher consciousness with our human brains. Our pineal glands and chakra systems respond to the vibrations which create color codes we turn into healing energy. Activation becomes possible when the mind becomes still and open to receive.
Stress and anxiety can be relieved with the lovely sound of a soft piano concerto or the rhythmic syncopation of 10 drummers. Recognition can depend on our mood and our tolerance for loud noises. For some, it is a great way to release negative energies and bring thoughts for new horizons. Tuning forks which generate certain tones can help the brain relate to the body how to rid itself of toxins and speed the healing of injuries.
Music can calm the storm and raise the spirits for maximum powers of creation. Listening to music we love can help us write, study, paint, draw and do housework. It helps us keep motivated or lets us purge our worries and fears. Music gives us something to dance to or celebrate. We can usually choose the music in our environments, but occasionally we walk into other spaces playing something new or unfamiliar. Our senses will either accept or reject the sound based on our personal preferences and mood at the time. A sad country song might have some running for the door but an upbeat song saying we have a bright future ahead make us stay around.
Listening to a Buddhist chant while the wind chimes softly speak outside during meditation can be an amazing way to start a day. Letting go of the outcome, letting the sounds speak to your inner being for greater intuition and healing energies can grow into daily physical therapy. The music that we love is our way of giving ourselves a “hug.” Comforting, enlightening and thought-provoking melodies give us hope, healing, and escape. We need the music, and it needs us to appreciate it in all its qualities and quantities. If it sparks our senses and brings, us to love it is living its purpose in humanity.
Throughout human existence, as long as we experience music, we live in a sacred dream. We are connected as one in sound and vibration whenever we attend a symphony or gather for an outdoor rock concert together. When the sound combines with visual images it becomes a larger experience in connection and frequency. It becomes an unforgettable milestone in our senses; we can take memory and give it new life by living it over again when we listen to an old song we love. We celebrate music when we dance, letting our bodies relate how music makes us feel.
The times we were born in and then evolved in are all represented in music. The music created before we incarnated also has an amazing ability to reach our hearts and change our minds with their beauty. The music still to be created is rooted in the beginnings of our abilities as humans to transfer our thoughts to music. Child prodigies with no training have played, composed and sang with remarkable talent and poise as if the music were born already inside them from a past life. These are the gifts of spirit we were meant to share and heal. Our consciousness is wired for sound healing. When we listen to the music of the soul, we are powerful, glowing beings of endless creation and constant soul evolution.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.