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The Vision Quest of Our Consciousness

The Vision Quest of Our Consciousness

consciousness OMTimes

The innate nature of consciousness is to grow, to expand, and our physical life is the “vision quest” of our consciousness.

The Vision Quest of Our Consciousness and Our Self-Healing Process

By Johanna Kern



As we are living in times when much that we have built our world on begins to quickly fall apart – it will be necessary for us to adapt to the inevitable change and find out who we truly are.

It is high time for all of us to understand what does and what doesn’t work on our planet. Why life in our town, village, or country – is the way it is. Why there is so much suffering in the world, and why it is that while some people bloom, others keep struggling in life.

As the consciousness that we are, we are always evolving and looking for more opportunities to expand our vision of ourselves. It manifests in our life through our pursuit of happiness, seeking our life purpose, seeking to improve our situation, looking for fulfillment or a happy relationship, reaching for our dreams, feeling the need for self-improvement, etc.

Whether we wish for a peaceful and happy life, or we want the whole world to come together in peace – we need to start from the bottom and turn off our own internal “war.”

Because of our perception, who we are is often misunderstood as merely what we call our identity, a sense of being, with a set of specific characteristics.

We usually define ourselves in two ways:

  1. By perceiving ourselves through our senses/brain (like seeing our body in the mirror or feeling the rain on our skin).
  2. By perceiving ourselves through experiencing (our emotions, mental processes, desires, memories, likes, and dislikes).

We can perceive ourselves because of our consciousness.

Our consciousness can also be defined in two ways:

  1. Consciousness, as described by old-school medicine or old-school psychology: as long as we can operate via our senses, we are considered “conscious.”
  2. The consciousness that operates beyond the senses, beyond body/brain capacity, beyond time and space. It does not stop when our brain goes into a coma, or when we are “out of it” and experiences itself in all states of our physical and mental capacity. In health, or in physical or mental illness, consciousness continues to gather the experiences for the purpose of its progression.


The innate nature of consciousness is to grow, to expand, and our physical life is the “vision quest” of our consciousness.

The main thing that can stop the consciousness that we are from existing is our lack of progress. What best serves our consciousness, are the states of altruism, compassion, and universal love – i.e., the “higher virtues.”

To maintain the natural evolution of our consciousness, we need to overcome our conditional programming.

Conditional programming consists of Subconscious Programming, Societal Programming, and Avoidance Programming:

Subconscious Programming is spontaneous and rooted in our survival fears. It can be easily triggered by any of our caregivers/parents or other authorities in our life.

Societal Programming is externally inflicted – usually via regulations/manipulation or pressure – and rooted in the inherent need of all social animals for a structure for living in groups.

Avoidance Programming can be either self-inflicted or internally inflicted and is rooted in our natural fear of change and development of a sense of “habitual safety.”

Habitual safety is the “know-how” to exist/survive circumstances that we’ve gotten used to – no matter whether they are beneficial for us or harmful.

Due to these three types of programming, many of us perpetuate our existence in fear, discomfort, and limitation, running on “automatic pilot.”

When we want to liberate ourselves from our conditional programming, we need to begin and maintain the process of self-healing.

The first step is to acknowledge who we are: consciousness.

The next steps depend on what we prioritize, or in what order we want to change the programming in the 7 main areas of our life (The Big 7):

  • Our Body
  • Our Mind
  • Our Heart & Its Vision (our pure, inner being)
  • Our Emotions
  • Our Ego
  • Our Vision Of The World
  • Our Vision Of Ourselves


As the consciousness that we are, we want to experience ourselves as all of the above in our pure, unconditioned form.

Can we do that?

Yes. As the consciousness that we are, we have a choice: to be, or not to be.

See Also

How can we do that?

We all are part of a Design that has the ability of self-healing.

This ability can be applied to all the areas of our physical life (The Big 7).

Once we trigger our self-healing process, we align with the natural process of our evolution: we can overcome anything that stands in the way of our progress.

We are here to become all that we can be.

We can be humans in the most beautiful way.

Let us fall in love with the world and let us not forget to love our life.


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About the Author

Johanna Kern is a transformational teacher and multiple award-winning authors of “365 (+1) Affirmations to Create A Great Life”, “Secrets of Love for Everyone,” “Master and the Green-Eyed Hope,” etc. She practices and shares the Master Teachings of HOPE, helping people to find their own power and progress in all areas of life. Her story received international attention, winning praise by readers in North America and Europe, and endorsement by three world-renowned experts: Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Jerry Solfvin, Ph.D., and Brian Van der Horst.

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