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Dharmic Ubuntu:  You are Your Ancestors’ Dream

Dharmic Ubuntu:  You are Your Ancestors’ Dream

Dharmic Ubuntu OMTimes

Ubuntu is an African phrase meaning “humanity”. It is often translated as “I am because we are.”  Dharmic Ubuntu means you are a result of your ancestors.

What is Dharmic Ubuntu?



Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise. I rise. I rise.

~ Maya Angelou

You are a final creation of many dreams and also of many fears. Through you, all the life intentions of your ancestors are renewed and continue to exist, weaving itself in the fabric of our reality, as a constant flow. You may not be aware, but when you heal yourself, you help heal all your dharmic ancestry line.  Acknowledging and Honoring their lives bring them closer to us as silent guardians of our Destiny.  Because of their intentions, dreams, and projects, you can exist today. They channeled you into existence.

Once you transcend the inherited fears and perceived limitations, the tapestry of energies weaved into your DNA will release light. Your Father’s line gives you the way to live. This power will move you, and once you accept this energy, you will be able to conquer the world and open your own path.  The energy of the maternal ancestry is fruitful, it will bring you prosperity. It will also influence your personal success in our choices and relationships. Being in alignment with the mother’s line by accepting her in its entirety allows us to enjoy all the blessings that life has in store for us.

For those that have problems with a particular parent, we say, please look beyond their human forms, after all, they are just humans, with limitation and difficulties. But instead, consider them as archetypical characters that may not have had the clarity to transcend the challenges and dramatic demands of their own bloodlines. The acceptance is nothing but a genuine act of forgiveness and release.

We need to consider ancestral cleansing. If we’re willing to clear our energy fields of the ancestral energies we don’t want, then we are ready to do something really interesting and beautiful which is to claim a connection with the wisdom of the kinds of ancestors we do want to be in contact with. But we can’t do this until we’ve cleaned out the lower stuff that is hindering us.

~ Robert Moss

Honoring our ancestry is ultimately a way to honor our own lives.

And as we follow our destiny, we open the windows to all our ancestors, offering a new horizon for future generations.

Ubuntu – I am because we are.


Ancestral Healing Exercise to Gain the Strength of Your Inherited Line

Start by finding a quiet place to relax and ground yourself. Create a healing field;

Ask for help from your, angels, teachers, guides, masters, and protectors.

You can do this ritual facing your altar, sitting or standing, depending in a way you may feel more comfortable.

If you wish, put on some sacred /spiritual music.

Breathe a couple of times deeply and connect with the infinite Universal Wisdom. Bring your mother to your mental screen, and looking into your eyes say (out loud or inwardly):

You were big, I was small. I’m sorry if I stood above you as your judge. I accept your destiny and respect your choices. I honor you for all that is and thank you for the part of my life that came from you. It’s up to me to make the best of it. I honor and bow to you.

Make a bow with your head. And put your mother behind you on your left. Visualize her by placing her hand on your left shoulder. Feel her presence and strength. Breathe this force. Behind her visualize her grandmother, with all her pains, joys, fears, dreams, and triumphs. Then see behind her your great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother, and so on, in an endless female line of ancestors that goes back to time immemorial.

Now visualize your father in front of you. Breathe deeply. Look into your eyes and say:

You were big, I was small. I’m sorry if I stood above you as your judge. I accept your destiny and respect your choices. I honor you for all that is and thank you for the part of my life that came from you. It’s up to me to make the best of it. I honor and bow to you.

See Also
emotional baggage OMTimes

Put your father now behind you on your right side and imagine him placing his hand on your right shoulder. Also, I feel his presence and strength. Behind him, visualize his grandfather, with all his life baggage, his discoveries, his deviations, and successes. And behind your grandfather, their fathers, all your endless male line of ancestors. Receive the strength of this Dharmic lineage.

Look then at all your Dharmic ancestry Line. See and feel how much history, how many memories, dreams, intentions, and how much of their lives are alive in your Spiritual DNA!

All of their dreams carefully weaved into your every fiber of being, so that you could get everywhere and be everything in this Universe. There is an incredible curative blessing hidden in ancestral healing.

Breathe a couple of times slowly, and look ahead the way that opens for you. Now you are facing your own destiny.

We are the ancestors of the future generation, and what we do now will have an impact.

~ Luisah Teish

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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

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This website is a Soul Service-oriented Outreach.  May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering and know only everlasting bliss.

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