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Bruce Lipton on Thriving as an Empath

Bruce Lipton on Thriving as an Empath

Thriving as an Empath Bruce Lipton OMTimes

Thriving as an Empath is a daily companion to nurture your inherent sensitivity. Read it every day. It is a valuable resource that should be kept nearby and referred to again and again.

Thriving as an Empath: 365 Days of Self-Care for Sensitive People

Book Review by Bruce Lipton, PhD



In Thriving as an Empath, psychiatrist and empath Judith Orloff, MD, has created 365 days of informative insights that offer empaths and all sensitive people self-knowledge, self-assurance, and the resilience needed to live in health and harmony.

Empathy is a blessing, yet unfortunately, it can also feel like a curse. Compassionate empaths may experience exhaustion, anxiety, and depression if they don’t learn practical self-care to center and protect themselves.

Dr. Orloff’s book will help you stop absorbing other people’s stress and stay in your own power. It will inspire you to remove negative beliefs about yourself while providing a path for empaths to take back control of their lives. The daily readings encourage sensitive people to pause for a few sacred moments every day to discover their true purpose, learn to connect more deeply with themselves and the creative force while taking responsibility for their own self-care.

Thriving as an Empath is a daily companion to nurture your inherent sensitivity. Read it every day. It is a valuable resource that should be kept nearby and referred to again and again.


Thriving as an Empath
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Come meet Judith Orloff MD on her book tour this fall to learn more about Thriving as an Empath and its companion workbook The Empath’s Empowerment Journal.  Below is a list of tour cities and locations.

Los Angeles: October 22 at Vromans Pasadena and Nov 2 Mystic Journeys Crystal Gallery in Venice

New York: October 25, 26 at the New York Open Center, NYC

San Francisco area: Nov. 5th at East West Bookshop in Mountain View and Nov. 6th Book Passage in Corte Madera

Portland: Nov. 12th at New Renaissance Bookshop

Seattle: Nov.14th at East West Bookshop

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You will also enjoy  Thriving As An Empath and The Art of Self-Care for Sensitive People

About the Author

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., Cell biologist and author of the bestselling The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution (with Steve Bhaerman) and The Honeymoon Effect. Bruce is a recipient of Japan’s Goi Peace Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions toward the realization of a peaceful and harmonious world for all life on Earth.

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