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12 Ways to Boost Mind, Body, Spirit in 2020

12 Ways to Boost Mind, Body, Spirit in 2020

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Tired of setting New Year’s Resolutions that seem to fizzle out? Try setting smaller monthly tasks to boost mind, body, spirit in 2020.

Monthly Ideas to Boost Mind, Body, Spirit in 2020

By Robyn M Fritz



Why do New Year’s Resolutions fail? They take too long. In our hyper times, we’re constantly in flux, and slowing down for anything is to admit defeat—or die. But what if you could both keep up with your busy life and slow down, so it all makes sense?

You can, and the holidays are a good time to start. That means skipping one big New Year’s resolution in favor of a monthly method to boost mind, body, spirit tasks that will fine-tune your holistic life by year’s end.

The following are suggestions to boost your creativity. Progress doesn’t depend on the order, so listen to your intuition and soul as you go. And get a notebook to keep track of what you learn.


January: Be Present. Stop and breathe; notice the moments. Remember, you’re a complete being—body, mind, spirit. Notice how it feels to be balanced and learn to stay that way.


February: Understand energy. Yes, everything is energy, including you. Find a simple energy healing technique that you can do morning, night, and whenever you need help to maintain your holistic focus. Here’s one simple exercise: cross your hands on your heart, imagine you’re breathing energy into your hands, hold your hands to your mouth and breathe on them as if your breath was energy, and put your hands back on your heart.


March: Learn how your intuition works. Everyone is innately an intuitive and healer. Now determine whether you’re clair-seeing, clair-hearing, clair-feeling, clair-knowing, or a combination of these four main abilities. Then work them: keep a notebook of intuitive experiments; learn to distinguish between beliefs, emotions, facts, and intuition; and apply this practical skill daily. You will be astounded at how well-rounded you become.


April: Intention. Decide what you intend: how will you incorporate your intuition and healing skills at home and at work, or react to change, or choose to live in the world? Notice how intention changes your view of your loved ones and your efforts to be your best self.


May: Self-love. The biggest problem we all have is a lack of self-love. Learning to love yourself isn’t ego but acceptance of your pluses and minuses, of everything that makes you who you are (yes, warts and all). Be prepared for huge changes.


June: Ritual. Daily, weekly, and monthly rituals remind us that we are souls in human bodies who need concrete, visible reminders that we are greater than our busy lives. Ritual offers a time-out and a connection to family, friends, and the divine, adding peace and harmony to our lives.


July: Clear space. Learn to keep your spaces clear at home and at work. This isn’t decluttering; it’s removing stuck energy through simple energy-healing techniques. It can involve keeping sea salt in bowls around the house, Himalayan salt lamps, lavender, essential oils, incense—whatever it takes to be aware of stuck energy around you and to keep it moving. Because stuck energy leads to overwhelm, depression, lack of self-worth, and everything that holds you back.


August: Mindset. Now that you’re honoring your whole self focus outward. Choose a mindset that helps you live in the world as it really exists—as a union of equals, where everything is alive, has a soul, consciousness, responsibilities, free choice, and opinions. The world will get bigger—and easier to live in because you’ll be in the flow.


September: Connect with All Life. Your inclusive mindset makes it easier to connect with our living planet and all its beings as you learn why you matter to the world and how your unique contribution can benefit all life. You’ll also have amazing experiences relating to the world as a collaboration of equals. You will be less lonely, more awed, and growing your soul at warp speed, which is the whole point.

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October: Mantra. You’ve covered the big things by now, so what do they mean to your new holistic life? Keep yourself going by creating mantras that remind you of your new choices. Quick phrases that keep you focused will also keep you grounded and balanced.


November: Choice. Ready to create life-long habits? Look over your notebook of experiments, mantras, rituals, ideas, feelings, interests, thoughts … your entire year of becoming your best self and decide how to make different elements part of your day, week, month, and year.


December: Practice. Guess what? You’ve established a new lifestyle. Your challenge now is to keep at it. Practice daily. Build on what you learn. Remember, you’re a year into your new life. What worked best? What held you back? What will you do next year? Why?


Relax into your year of growing into your best self. It’s not a chore, not a have-to, nothing but your choice to play, experiment, and find a rhythm that adds meaning and balance to your busy life. Remember that you matter to the world, so let 2020 be the year that you believe that—and prosper.

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About the Author

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt hosts the OMTimes radio show, “The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World.” An intuitive and spiritual consultant and certified past life regression specialist, she is an award-winning author whose next book is “The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach Us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side.” Find her at

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