5 Ways to Feel Connected to Those Who Have Passed On

While your loved one may have passed on, you do not have to let go of your bond. Keeping your relationship alive helps with healing.
Stay Connected to Your Loved Ones Who Have Passed On
By Brooke Chaplan
When a loved one passes on, it can feel as though life will never be the same. You naturally go through a period of grief and loss where you might not be able to imagine living without them. While this time is painful, it helps to know that your loved one is still watching over you, and you can use these five strategies to feel connected even though they have passed on to the other side.
Continue Your Favorite Rituals
You might be tempted to stop going to your weekly lunch date with your loved one or quit watching your favorite show that you used to enjoy together. However, these are special memories that existed between the two of you and continuing to do these activities reminds you of your bond. You may be worried about feeling sad doing these things again, but it tends to have the opposite effect. While you may feel a twinge of grief, you will also feel comforted by knowing that your memories continue on.
Talk to Them Out Loud
Talking to your loved one allows you to continue to share your life with them. At first, this may seem silly, but it is a natural thing that many people do when they are grieving. This is especially helpful if you lived with your loved one or talked to them on the phone every day. While they may not be able to answer you back, you can certainly watch for signals that they are listening to. Feeling a sense of comfort or suddenly noticing a reminder of them, such as a scent, lets you know that you are heard.
Communicate Through a Medium
You can also make talking to your loved one even further by seeking the assistance of a medium that can pick up information from people who have passed on. Seeking a professional’s services through a allows you to hear back from your loved one at any time. A medium can help give you the reassurance that your loved one is fine on the other side, and they can also help answer questions about what happened at the end of their life. If your loved one and you had unfinished business before they passed on, then you can also find closure through the help of a medium.
Consider Their Advice When Making Decisions
When your loved one was near, you likely leaned on them for advice. You can still do so by thinking about what they would say when you are faced with a problem. Thinking through your loved one’s response can give you clarity on even the toughest matters to solve.
Try Out One of Their Hobbies
Shared interests are the building blocks of relationships. Try picking up a hobby that your loved one enjoyed so that you can step into their shoes for a moment. Whether they were into sewing or woodworking, you’ll feel closer to them when you see what they loved about how they spent their free time.
Maintaining personal connections is what relationships are all about. While your loved one may have passed on, you do not have to let go of your bond. Continuing to talk to them and demonstrate your love allows you to keep them close to your heart. Although the process of dealing with loss is not easy, keeping your relationship alive helps with healing.
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About the Author
Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at facebook.com/brooke.chaplan or Twitter @BrookeChaplan

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