Ram Dass: The Legacy of a Generation

There is a new bright star on the skies of this country, our beloved Ram Dass had passed away.
Ram Dass: The End of an Era
On May of 2015, OMTimes Magazine had the pleasure to participate in the roll-out of the movie about Ram Dass, titled Dying to Know, when Ram Dass graced our cover.
Ram Dass (born Richard Alpert) died peacefully at home in Maui on December 22, 2019. He was an American spiritual teacher, academic and clinical psychologist, and author of many books, including the seminal 1971 book Be Here Now. He was known for his personal and professional associations with Timothy Leary at Harvard University in the early 1960s, for his travels to India and his relationship with Hindu guru Neem Karoli Baba, and for founding the charitable organizations Seva Foundation and Hanuman Foundation. He continued to teach, via his website; produced a podcast, with support from 1440 Multiversity; and pursued mobile app development through the Be Here Now network and the Love, Serve, Remember Foundation.
The following statement about Ram Dass was posted on The Love Serve Remember Foundation website.
For more than 50 years, Ram Dass was a key influence on American spiritual culture. His monumentally influential and seminal work BE HERE NOW–part graphic novel, part introduction to yoga and inner transformation–is an enduring classic that has sold over two million copies. BE HERE NOW still stands as a centerpiece of Western articulation of Eastern philosophy. In the 1970s it was the hippies’ bible; today it continues to be the instruction manual of choice for generations of spiritual seekers.
As a psychologist, Richard Alpert–along with his cohort, Timothy Leary–played a pivotal role in the psychedelic movement of the 1960s, lecturing on the healing effects of psychedelics at college campuses across the country. At the time, Alpert and Leary influenced a generation to“turn on, tune in, and drop out” with psychedelics, providing the inner fuel during a turbulent era of social change, sexual liberation, and political unrest.
In 1967-68, Alpert journeyed to India, where he met the famed Indian saint, Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaj-Ji), whose central teaching is to love everyone, serve everyone, and remember God. After learning yoga and meditating in the Himalayas for six months, he returned to the West as Ram Dass, meaning“Servant of God.” For decades, Ram Dass crisscrossed America, lecturing on an eclectic spiritual path. He was a guide for thousands seeking to discover or reclaim their spiritual identity beyond or within institutional religion.
In early 1997, Ram Dass had a hemorrhagic stroke that left him with paralysis and expressive aphasia. He recovered his speech and went on to continue his teachings online, at retreats in Maui, and through film, and music, inspiring the next generation of seekers.
Statements from Family and Friends on Facebook
Krishna Das
” Today my Beloved Elder Guru Brother, Ram Dass, has left his physical body and merged with our guru Neem Karoli Baba.
He has been my friend and teacher and fellow traveler on the Spiritual Path since 1968. I spent the last few days with him and had an incredible merging of mind and heart. He was deeply immersed in Maharaj-Ji’s presence and during the many years since his stroke, his courage and patience and inner strength were a shining example of how to live in this world, with an ever opening heart, despite much physical pain and hardship.
His mantra was “I am Loving Awareness, I am Loving Awareness.” Now, that is where he is to be found…in the loving presence that lives within us.
Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram!!!”
Joan Halifax
“He was a faithful friend, so loyal and accepting; many decades of the most tender and beautiful love. We taught together, seriously and full of joy. He knew me well and teased me, and we often laughed with such wild delight. I always learned from him. My tears tell me that I will miss him. Am grateful he died peacefully, surrounded by good friends. Baba, you gave us so much. And you have my heart…”
The Love Serve Remember Foundation is planning a worldwide BE HERE NOW moment in celebration of Ram Dass’s extraordinary life. Additional details on this event forthcoming. In the meantime, if anyone would like to share their reflections on Ram Dass, please email remember@ramdass.org, or post on social media using #lovingramdass.
The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Neem Karoli Baba and Ram Dass. The foundation facilitates the continuation of these teachings through online courses, blog content, films, podcasts, vast social network channels, and collaborative projects with conscious artists and musicians.
Ram Dass and others comment on the Love Serve Remember Foundation and its teachings in this video.
Humanity Healing International, OMTimes and their associated companies and affiliates would like to acknowledge in Gratitude for all the Spiritual energies and Cosmic Consciousnesses that conspired to bring about the enlighten teaching of such a powerful soul. What a blessing to the spiritual and conscious community and example of dedication and Service, Ram Dass has been to all of us. Hail to the Traveler!
Photo Credit by Roshi Joan Halifax (Wikipedia)
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.