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The Practice of Acceptance

The Practice of Acceptance

Acceptance OMTimes

We have the power of acceptance to help us improve every facet of our lives if we are willing to listen, learn, and grow.

Practicing the Art of Acceptance



Many people believe accepting something means that we endorse or condone certain situations or actions. In truth, acceptance means we are acknowledging the way things are and that we are not living in denial. When we let in the truth, we are better prepared to make changes and adjustments to our futures. Instead of remaining stuck and resisting action, we make way for new thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Practicing acceptance toward people, new ideas, life paths, and challenges help us to evolve into more thoughtful and mature people. We never have to accept our past selves as our future selves when we can evolve and accept new adventures in our lives. In these actions, we realize that embracing a situation does not define the end result. We still have choices.

Acceptance also means to love and honor ourselves for our flaws as well as our talents. To accept our past mistakes and to have gratitude for what we’ve learned. We learn to accept that we are not perfect but fabulously interesting if we choose to be. What we thought we wanted to be or do in life becomes something else entirely if we remember to dream and create. We also have to accept our gifts and attributes to share them with others. The fear of rejection is usually greater than the actual rejection itself. If we know we intend to succeed and thrive, accepting defeat sometimes is also part of the deal. It allows us the grace to move forward, many times with newly improved insight and skills. Criticism can be a great tool for greatness as it reminds us, we are still learning and striving to do better. We know not everyone is going to accept us as we are. That’s okay!

Accepting others who are different and those who have conflicting opinions can become unbearable if we sense injustice or dishonesty. This is when we test ourselves to act with integrity and intelligence instead of fear and revenge. We have to accept some very difficult truths about human behavior, but we don’t have to condone their actions. We do have the power to search for the lesson in the challenge and find ways to make it better.

Accepting big changes in our personal lives, when it is out of our control or unexpected, can put us into anxiety mode. Many of us are reluctant to ask for help or to seem vulnerable unless we admit our needs; we cannot get started. Sharing our challenges with others also means we have to accept things are not going so well. This is difficult for those who are self-sufficient and who has always taken care of themselves and their surroundings. If we find it challenging to receive help and guidance, resisting good advice, we can miss out on priceless connections in our lives. Those connections may have been put there for us to recognize and nurture to bring more positivity and joy to life.

Acceptance brings us different degrees of decisions and choices. Knowing when to let go, knowing when to make other plans, knowing when to stay and ride out the storm. Sometimes the answers won’t be as clear as our inner knowing in the past, and we have to trust providence. We have to accept we really weren’t meant to know it all, to have the answers to every question. As human beings, we were meant to learn that change is inevitable. When we accept, we evolve. Change that truly matters here and now. We can collectively thrive through positive thought that combines tradition with our constant evolution. We have the power of acceptance to help us improve every facet of our lives if we are willing to listen, learn, and grow.

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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see

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