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Stargazing – Astrological Forecast April 2020

Stargazing – Astrological Forecast April 2020

Stargazing Astrological Forecast April 2020 OMTimes

The Astrological Forecast April 2020 shows that while the Full Moon will be tricky, the New Moon will help you find the best path forward.

Astrological Forecast April 2020 – Stargazing with Elizabeth Joyce



The April 7th Full Moon in Libra brings some hidden matters into the Light. It’s the best time to bring personal and business relationships to a successful conclusion. This year the April Full Moon is a bit tricky, because of a Mars/Uranus square that brings accidents, violence as well as sudden and unpleasant terminations and separations.

The April 22nd New Moon in Taurus brings a quiet, reflective time to guide and help you to find the best path to untie any knots the latest Sun-Saturn square may have thrown your way. Take time to meditate and “set your conditions” for success.


Astrological Forecast April 2020 – The Personal Signs

Aries (3/21-4/20)

April brings a sigh of relief, and things are back to normal. Normal? Oh my, you need to formulate a new normal because both you and your reality have changed. You can’t just take action. You have to focus and make it count and be meaningful. Find ways to connect with others for information, guidance, and support. This will enrich you on an emotional level. You find it’s not enough to climb up the ladder anymore. You need a vision of what your work means and how it impacts you.


Taurus (4/21-5/21)

As April opens, you are slowly finding your way back to the center even though you’re still on that rollercoaster ride. It brings you a sense of security as you discover that the principles you once lived by haven’t changed one bit. This revelation helps you to see that much of what you thought was of value. A belief or preference, and those don’t always stand the test of time. You are beginning to create a new world for yourself.


Gemini (5/21-6/20)

In April, the emotional pain you’ve been hiding from is coming forth to be released. Feel them and let them go. Otherwise, they have the potential of destroying that which you desire. The most important thing for you now is to become the observer. Don’t allow yourself to get dragged into uncomfortable situations. You could start reverting into your old patterns. This hard work seems to be getting worse every day but doesn’t run for the hills. Your goal now is to stay present at the moment as well as to remain detached. You can do it, Gemini.



Cancer (6/21-7/22)

In April, you feel like running as fast as you can, but don’t sense you’re getting anywhere. Your inner urge to move is overshadowing the direction you’ve set for yourself. Slow down a bit and focus. The key is to focus and combine this energy surge with a concrete target, then go from there. Refrain from making any decisions about your career, your career, and most of all your money. April isn’t the time to make any demands or requests.


Leo (7/23-8/22)

In April, you find that the feeling of urgency that’s been with you all year has finally dissipated, leaving a vast space inside. What to do? Just let it be, Leo. Take a deep breath and relax. The time to create something will arrive soon enough. The Universe is giving you a well-deserved break. You are now ready to socialize, hang out, and join the human race, You have been out-of-sorts since last summer. Your circuits have been overloaded, but now you’re ready to re-boot! You made some important decisions in March. You can expect several new opportunities to pop up for you at the end of the month.


Virgo (8/23-9/22)

April brings relief as you experience a release of burdens that you didn’t know you had. As you feel a sense of liberation, don’t try to analyze anything because the only thing that matters right now is that you feel light and free. You want to have a party, and it’s been quite a while since you’ve felt like having fun. Don’t let this moment pass. Just invite friends over and have a great time!


Libra (9/23-10/22)

In April, no matter what you do, you’ll feel as if you’re on the edge of a precipice. That’s because the desire of where you want to go and where your fear thinks you should stay plays out in your relationships. 2020 offers you the chance to let go of the need to get people to see the world through your eyes. Just be the role model for who you are inside and what you know. Then, let other’s take care of themselves.


Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)

The Astrological Forecast April 2020 shows you that your desire for freedom suddenly makes everything seem dull and dusty and without merit. Use this desire as fuel to find ways to change that which needs to be changed, while preserving anything that is supportive to you and where you want to go. The bloom seems to be off the rose this month. All the accolades you received last month for a job well done left you with the awareness that you aren’t quite as content with your current position as you wanted to believe. Time to have some gratitude and accept that. The decision you are making to create a new purpose for your life is right!


See Also
2018 Cancer Full Moon OMTimes

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

April brings a substantial emotional release as the chaos and all the clouds leave your life, bringing you a new infusion of enthusiasm and zest for life. It’s time to dig down and get serious about your purpose and intention. You know it’s the next step in creating long-lasting satisfaction as well as a part of a new definition of the kind of legacy you want to leave behind.


Capricorn (12/22-1/19

April brings you some inner doubts. Is this change god for me? That’s because you still want to control how it all happens. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, Cap., and trust yourself to trust the Universe as to how it all unfolds and know that your choices and actions will bring you growth. With relationships, you find yourself able to listen without responding or judgment. You sense that sharing is offering perspective when asked and building intimacy.


Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

April brings you a return of confidence following an intense beginning of the month. You have felt a fear that you’re trapped because you’re unable to free yourself from several things haunting you from the past. Just when you feel as if you’re drowning, something shifts deep inside of you. You feel relief and are joyful! It feels like you’ve flipped a switch. This sets your path for a remarkable new beginning.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

April brings you a fast ride, as you realize that lifelong patterns that have restricted you undermined you and robbed you of self-confidence that has been left in the dust. You’re bursting at the seams with delight! This moment has been a long time coming. You can now show everyone exactly what you are made of, with all of the flames of fire and creativity living in your Soul. Opportunities abound and, like the spring flowers, are popping out everywhere. You are ready for the kind of success you decide is worthy of your time. Be prepared to take the next step, Pisces!


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You will also enjoy Tarot Astrology Forecast April 2020 for Each Zodiac Sign

About the Author

Elizabeth Joyce is a modern-day mystic, author, and Master Spiritual Teacher/Healer through the Grace of God. She transmits this pure energy from the Source. Healing has occurred simply by being in her presence, or by voice activation, or vibration. She is a popular, gifted speaker on the unknown mysteries, higher realities, and higher wisdom. Many of her accurate successes have been documented through national media.


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