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4 Different Types of Psychic Abilities You Need to Know About

4 Different Types of Psychic Abilities You Need to Know About

Psychic Abilities OMTimes

There are many different types of psychic abilities. Whatever you’re looking for in a psychic, remember to go with one that has the specific power that you need to rely on.

Psychic Abilities You Need to Know About


The role that psychics that predict love play in modern society is an important one. Millions upon millions of people depend on psychics each and every day to provide them with nurturing guidance and help with their love-related issues. Psychics have one of the most unique skill sets in the world and exist to help people find solutions to their problems, and generally lead more happy, fulfilling lives.

Ever since humans first started congregating around fires, and then eventually when they formed cities, psychics have played an integral role in the development of culture. Psychics have nearly always existed, mainly because people have always been uncertain about the future, and have always looked towards the stars for answers. While not all psychics are astrologers, “looking to the stars” really refers to the fact that psychics offer guidance from beyond the human realm – or rather, beyond what’s considered “normal” in our society.

Whether you’re looking to contact a loved one who has unfortunately passed on or maybe searching for the love of your life, there are many reasons why one might want to enlist the help of an experienced psychic. There are numerous types of psychics, and all of them have their own unique abilities. In this blog, we describe some of the major abilities, and how those abilities might be able to help you with whatever difficulties you’re currently facing.


Aura Reading and Related Powers

The reading of auras is a skill that can be traced back to the very early days of modern psychics. There are even records of psychics in ancient Egypt being able to read auras, so this skill certainly isn’t something that’s “new school” (contrary to popular belief).

The way that aura reading works is pretty simple (from the outside, anyway). Essentially, the psychic uses their unique power to actually see a person’s aura emanating from outside their body. Most psychics report that auras appear anywhere from 6 to 18 inches away from a person’s body.

You most likely already know that auras change colors, and each color has a different set of meanings that are attached to it. Aura readers can read the auras of objects, people, and even locations.


Psychic Abilities – Clairaudience

Without getting into too much detail, clairaudience is when a psychic is able to hear sounds that are beyond what normal humans can perceive. This includes sounds from other realms, other spirits, etc. It’s not just voices either, some psychics report hearing music, otherworldly tones, etc. Some can even pick up on the sounds produced by inanimate objects, too.

This is one of the most misunderstood powers that exist because many psychics don’t want to tell others that they “hear things” (due to the mental health stigma surrounding illnesses that feature symptoms similar to clairaudience). Obviously, it should be noted that having this power does NOT mean that someone has mental problems – just to make it painfully clear for those in the back.


Love Psychics: Romance, Relationships, and More

Psychics who specialize in romance typically have a very innate desire to help people achieve their dreams of love. Most psychics are almost always born with their powers, and then they further develop them over many years of training in various spiritualities, systems, and apprenticeships (i.e. being taught by older, more experienced psychics).

Oftentimes, love psychics will make use of many different skills (e.g. aura reading, astrology, etc.) in order to provide guidance to their clients. This is one area in the world of psychics that uses more than just one discipline (i.e. compared to astrology, which typically is more focused on one main area of practice).

Finding a love psychic isn’t too difficult, most cities/towns have at least one or two that can maybe help you out. However, we always recommend using the internet to research a very good, qualified, and most importantly experienced psychic that can help answer your inner-most love-related desires.

See Also


Psychic Abilities – Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is what people typically think of when they hear the word “psychic.” If a psychic has this specific power, it means that they’re able to “see” within their mind different places, people, things, etc. that are currently happening in the world (or have happened in the past or future).


These are just some examples of the many different types of psychic abilities and powers. Whatever you’re looking for in a psychic, remember to go with one that has the specific power that you need to rely on.


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