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The Dark Side of The Law of Attraction

The Dark Side of The Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction OMTimes

Of course, it may make you want to give up. And a lot of us will abandon the Law of Attraction when everything starts to go wrong, that is because it is not wishful thinking, it is a process of purification and restructuring of your energies, your goals, and your dreams.

But remember an essential issue to be considered if you want to use this Law: for the new to enter, the old must leave.   There are no negotiations, this is a fact!


 The Law of the Seed

What looks like a big mess, could mean the right time for you to align your thinking and change specific patterns that are clogging your reality. Sometimes, to clean a room, we need to move furniture and make an initial mess.

When we talk about old thoughts and manners, we talk not only about the ideas we cultivated but also about the habits, the behaviors we may still have, but that in truth, no longer serves us. If you find any behavior or thought pattern difficult to abandon, if you can’t have the clarity to determine what needs to be left behind, and no longer serve the life you want, then you need to program a serious soul search.

Here are some suggested questions to help with your inner search

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  • What new reality do you envision for yourself?
  • How will the new energy find a place to occupy?


Changing is not easy, and any change causes discomfort and even some suffering. The important thing is not to be shaken when everything seems confused. Be strong and don’t give up. Fortitude is a crucial feeling to practice the Law of Attraction.

The farmer does not plant to harvest at once: he needs to plow the land, prepare the soil to receive the seedlings, and take care of his plantation until the time of harvest.  It is the practice of the Law of the seed.  If you want something, you need to create a real environment to receive. If you want something, you need to give it first, and you need to prepare to be able to receive and keep.

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