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Global Year 2021 – A Numerological Perspective

Global Year 2021 – A Numerological Perspective

Global Year 2021 OMTimes

We will all take a sigh of relief when 2020 is over. Although we cannot predict the future, nor the end of the pandemic, we can look at the energy of the Global Year 2021 through numerology.

The Global Year 2020/2021 – Shadow or Lesson?

by Greer Jonas



As 2020 reaches its final passage in December, we can reflect on the initiation of the 3rd decade in the 21st century.

Rather profound, it seems. At the beginning of this year, we talked about 2020, in numerological terms, a new beginning with master numbers (two zeros and two 2s). We have transitioned from the 1s (2010-2019) to the 2s. (2020-2029).

In this transition, the “1” represents the yang (the masculine) — the Ego, leadership, and action. The 2 is the yin (the feminine) — the energy of intuition, reflection, and cooperation. The yin, in comparison to the Ego of the yang, seeks relationship and duality. So, we have shifted from the “I” to the “we.”

Having two 2s and two zeros (0), we see these master numbers significantly affect our lives. The master “2” assists us in understanding support and service. The master zero is about reaching into the unknown to find our answers, acting in a way and view that has never occurred to us before.


Pandemic 2020

Wow, who would have thought how the alchemy of this transition would manifest? Is this the shadow of the 2s or the lesson to help us grow?

Yes, the shadow shows up as fear and loss of our loved ones.

Guided to stay inside with masks on, some of us without jobs and feeling isolated and withdrawn. Interesting as the metaphor of the mask is to hide our faces and our inner selves.

The shadow’s guidance gives us the lesson of the extreme, offering us the choice to share ourselves, support others, and step out of hiding.

And now, the influence of the master zero comes in. We have the choice, rather than hiding, to seek a new way of communicating, a new way of being creative, a new way of helping others.


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The internet has become an active form of relating and doing service. Online gatherings of art, yoga classes, and get-togethers with family and friends have formed through zoom and other methods.

Hopefully, we will get through this with a new appreciation of people, perseverance, and healing.


The Global Year 2021 – A Choice to Participate

We will all take a sigh of relief when 2020 is over. Although we cannot predict the future, nor the end of the pandemic, we can look at the energy of the Global Year 2021 from a numerological perspective.

The Global Year 2021 is the sum of 2021.

2+0+2+1= 5

The five has the energy of action, change, and a pursuit of freedom. The five are very social and charismatic and loves to have fun. It is the fire of alchemy to make things happen. How will this unfold in the midst of what is going on globally all over the world?

Let us take this opportunity to remove the inertia to interact with others with a fresh approach. Yes, change is upon us, and we can reach into ourselves and discover new ways to interact with others.

Hopefully, there will be a resolution to this pandemic around the planet. Still, for now, we have the opportunity to take a new outlook and, yes, step forward and enjoy an aspect of our lives. As a society worldwide, politically and socially, let us seek some resolution to resolve our differences. Perhaps this is the karmic lesson of the five. Searching for freedom and change, may we find a medium to our viewpoints and take action to collectively shift this global “pandemic.” We are not just talking about healing physically and mentally —but socially, environmentally, spiritually, and politically. This may be a wake-up call towards recovering our humanity.

September 11, 2001

The dynamic shadow in its depth happened when our calendar switched from the 1900s to 2000. In 2001, our lives, especially in the United States, were attacked. The belief system that we were safe was destroyed. What did we learn? We learned to love and support each other with compassion. We knew that we could survive amid chaos.




Personal Year 2021

To find your personal year theme, add your month and day of birth to the current year. To possibly achieve a master number, the method is to count each number separately. So if you were born December 12, you would add 2021 like this:

1+2+1+2+2+0+2+1 = 11

With the global year of 5, what is your personal year theme?

Using the simple descriptions below, ask yourself, how will you welcome freedom and change without feeling restricted? Do you have the willingness and bravery to embrace your life as you include others” Or will you choose the same old habit that does not serve you? Below is a brief description of the theme and the shadow of each personal year.

1 – A year of new beginnings, leadership, taking action, and inspiring others. Shadow: Retreat or follow others without standing for your own beliefs.



2 – The two years is about forming relationships of all kinds, love, business, family, and cooperation. Shadow: Being non-communitive and inflexible.



3 – The three year is a year of expressing yourself creatively and uniquely. The key is to take an original, non-judgmental approach to whatever moves you, be it art, music, writing, dancing, and speaking. Shadow: Seeking safety and uninspiring life.


4 – A year of building something new with the foundation of organization, perseverance, and skill. Shadow: stubborn and controlling, wanting everything to be your way without flexibility.


See Also
Rock Quartz

5 – Ah, you are in the same person year as the global year! This is a time to embrace change and freedom as you share yourself with people and seek opportunities. Shadow: hiding, feeling anxious, not allowing self to relax.


6 – The six-year is all about the heart and birth. It is a time to connect with family, friends, and doing service in some way. This could be a year of birthing something new. Shadow: withdrawal, self-judgment, and caring about what others think of you.



7 – In the seven-year, it is a time of bonding with the inner you. It is a spiritual and intuitive period to seek the unknown with fascination. Shadow: Retreating, not sharing your voice and your unique personality.


8 – Eight is the year of charismatic leadership and empowerment. The opportunity to advance and share your goals rather than being afraid to be out there in the world is vital. Shadow: Being overbearing, insisting that you are right and everyone else is wrong. Embracing power rather than empowerment.


9 – In the nine-year, you are presented with transformation and change as well as completion. You may feel like you are in a whirlwind of seeing the truth in all aspects of your life. The lesson is acceptance. Shadow: Being fearful, not respecting yourself and your changes, fear of judgment. Feeling lost.


Soul Mission1111 – In the master 11 year, your inspired ideas can be influential in your life and the life of others. Here is a choice to lead without apprehension and self-judgment. Shadow: Forgetting your humanness and vulnerability. The result may be that you challenge yourself and become fearful or frustrated.


22 – Twenty-two is the master year of building relationships of all kinds. It may be a powerful time to achieve love or to build a business—shadow: Retreating, being disappointed, not believing in self.


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About the Author

Greer-JonasGreer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist who conducts readings by phone, online, and in-person in NYC. She is also a teacher and an artist. Find out about classes or to schedule a numerology reading. Numerology Site: Art site:


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