Raising Spiritual Children

To raise spiritual children, it is important to we teach ethical concepts, inspire a moral compass, and infuse essential spiritual wisdom to our children.
How to Raise Spiritual Children
If you have a child, you may know that raise a child is not an easy task. It is something that will demand every fabric of your being, and that will last your lifetime. It is also something that immensely rewarding and souls fulfilling.
As parents, we are bound to make mistakes, even when we try to make this work out correctly. Many of us have made mistakes while trying to do our best. We also nurture high expectations for our children. We want them to be successful and great human beings, real citizens of the world.
To do so, we need to teach some ethical concepts, inspire a moral compass, and infuse essential spiritual wisdom to our children. At the end of the day, they are the best gifts we can give to them.
“Educate the children, so there is no need to punish men.” ~ Pythagoras
For starters, we shall reiterate that Spirituality is not Religion because Spirituality transcends any religion’s notion. Spirituality deals with human values, moral education, ethics, and conscious living. Spiritual values reflect how people relate to each other, the importance of civilized social interactions, and our relationship with the Divine.
Mediumship and Children
Trust your child when she says she sees someone, hears things, or has an imaginary friend who she believes to be real.
Not considering what she says can create a breach of trust between you and, worse, cause these gifts to be overwhelmed, not healthy. Give your children the freedom to talk about it, even if it does not meet what you believe. In this topic, the recommendation is about the denial of mediumship: if your child has traces of Spirituality touched, denying it can be a big mistake.
“We must not shape children according to our feelings; we must have and love them the way they were given to us by God.” ~ Johann Goethe
Over time, if applicable, you can present your universe of beliefs and let them decide for themselves what to believe and what they want to follow. But never impose a reality, especially when it involves discrediting what the child questions and presents about the theme only contribute to the subject generating pain and being forgotten. All children are born with what is called extrasensory skills.
Dealing with Hypersensitive Children
Let go of ideologies and teach your child to feel emotions and not repress them. Anger, guilt, sadness, happiness, and joy, everything must be embraced. When we get the idea that feeling angry is wrong, we teach children to create blocks concerning emotions and, rest assured, they will feel angry. Expressed or not, all children have a spiritual awakening call. We must understand that.
They will experience sadness, guilt, frustration, and the full range of sensations that are part of life. When we teach children to understand their emotions, to seek their source, and deal with them without denying them, we build the spiritual foundations for this child to grow up.
This attitude will help them to become healthy, happy, more secure Individuals. They will feel more connected with themselves and the world.
Teaching Respect, Above All
Teach your child the love of diversity. That is the way of Nature. Diversity is how we can survive as a species. Teach your child to love the difference and show him that nobody is equal to anyone. It is the diversity of life that makes him more beautiful. It is the differences that help to build this “cultural” whole that is a human being.
If we teach to exclude and not integrate, we are hurting one of the basic spiritual principles: unconditional love. Children need to be taught to respect what is different from a young age, even if they “don’t like it.” Nobody is forced to like everything and everyone. Still, teaching respect is one of the parents’ obligations and fundamental divine precepts.
Teach the Love for Nature, our Planet, and Animal Life.
Love for Nature, For the Animals, and Our Planet
Nature is God. Teaching children a love of animals is essential. Teach love and respect to all lives, for all animals, not just pets. The wildlife is critical to the balance of this planet’s environment. It is essential for the survival of all of us.
Teach them to respect every single manifestation of life. From flowers, trees, make sure to include everything that has life. Show that all beings are aware and that mistreating them is terrible. Whoever loves animals loves the Divine.
Less hate, More Equality
Like diversity, teaching that life is the most asset and matters above anything else teaches your child Spirituality. To say that everyone has the right to life, that no one is better than anyone, and equal rights must always be preserved is of the utmost importance to make a better future. To help create a future with less hatred and less inequality.
Racial or gender separation, for example, goes against divine principles. In terms of gender, a very controversial agenda, keeping sanity and balance is the best way out. Do not force anything, but do not forbid anything. If your child wants to play with a doll, what’s the problem? Your child’s sexual orientation will not be influenced by the toys they have; the ability to respect the opposite sex, yes.
In fact, sexual orientation is not related to someone’s character. It cannot be used as an asset, advantage, or reason to diminish someone. Teaching this to your children will do enormous good for humanity.
This does not mean forcing behavior upon our children. Most boys, it is true, are more interested in ball and superheroes and, if that is the Nature of your child’s interests, respect it. If your daughter wants dolls, there’s no problem with that either! The idea is to offer children toys that encourage intelligence and those that reinforce gender identity. Lego, puzzles, books, and crosswords have never hurt anyone and can diversify children’s toy collection.
The Privilege of Playing Outdoors
Using the internet and playing games are part of childhood and are also healthy when it does not take all children’s time. What better alternative to teaching your children about Nature and animals than letting them play outdoors? Allow your children to play outdoors if you want to raise more sensitive, fulfilled, and spiritualized children.
Children who spend a lot of time playing outdoors have a stronger spiritual connection to the planet and peace.
Yoga and Meditation for Little Ones
Besides the immediate benefits like concentration and well-being, teaching your child to take a short break from routine every day is a great practice, especially in such a hectic world we live in. Your child will learn to seek peace and silence of the mind alone, learning to deal with the emotions and difficulties of life early on. This contributes to their self-reliance process.
The advantages are many: it fights stress, relieves anxiety, improves sleep, reduces aggression, supplies mental hygiene and relaxation, improves concentration, and helps deal with feelings such as frustration, fear, and anger. These practices help the children get in touch with themselves. We must raise our children, thinking, above all, in their well-being instead of the intense demand for results.
Responsibility and Choices
Always show your children that they must be responsible for their actions and, more than that, that all choices and attitudes have consequences.
This is a way of introducing the law of return (KARMA), showing that we reap what we sow. Teach that taking responsibility for our own actions is the best way to grow and live with others.
Learning to Deal with Death
Do not hide death from your children. It is essential to deal naturally with the only certainty we have in life: everything that lives, one day, will die. Hiding it or treating it in a childlike way can generate future trauma because the child will undoubtedly face death sooner or later.
When someone dies, we have an excellent opportunity to talk about the soul, about the spirit, about life after death, heaven, paradise, in short, whatever your belief. Enjoy the moment when death touches your family circle to present Spirituality to your child.
About the Immensity of the Universe
Teach your child about the stars. From an early age, show him the immensity of the universe and the Universal infinity of the Divine (God / Goddess) and their creation.
Embrace the opportunity and take advantage of this scientific learning process to talk about Spirituality, about God. Maybe even talk about the possibility of life on other planets as a way to show the diversity of love and divine creation.
The Importance of Non-aggressive Communication
Show the child that words have strength, be creative, or not,
Words can impact the lives of others. Teach that expressing anger through words to hurt others is not the best way to live in society. It hurts a lot and can cause irreversible damage to someone’s emotional structure.
For example, bullying is a great topic to teach children to spread love through words and defend the oppressed, those that feel or are voiceless.
Do not tolerate any type of aggressive behavior from your child towards another child. Always use emotions, the feelings of others, and ethics as an argument. Words can hurt, but they can also heal. The sooner your child realizes this, the better for him and for those who live with him.
Charity Never Fails
Teach your child to help others. Teach them to be generous, not only materially but also spiritually. Show them that not all people are fortunate to have a home, food on the table, or have toys to play with, building the notion against excessive accumulation.
Encourage your child to donate toys that they no longer use, and that can make other children happy. Show them that feeding the hungry when possible is our duty as a human being.
Teach your child to empathize with others, especially when they are in more severe living conditions. This is one of the best ways to raise children with a spiritual ground, a true citizen of the world.
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