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Understanding Family Karma

Understanding Family Karma

Family Karma OMTimes

One idea that is intrinsically linked to Karma is Family Karma. It has a genetic characteristic as it passes from generation to generation.

How to Understand Family Karma



Karma literally means “action.” It is used in several philosophical and spiritual currents, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Spiritism. Today we are going to understand its essence and what the little-discussed concept of family karma means.

Karma is not fate. Nor is it a punishment imposed on us by some external agent. We create our own Karma. Karma is the result of the choices that we make every moment of every day.

~ Tulku Thondup

Karma: Plural Views

Realize that everything connects to everything else.

~ Leonardo da Vinci

Karma in Hinduism

 According to Hinduism, Karma is the result of our actions during our previous earthly lives. When we die, it begins to develop within us, within our soul. As time goes by, Karma, as a pattern, begins to show itself and moves on to the next reincarnations.


Karma in Buddhism

In Buddhism, Karma’s action is seen above all as our intentions, that is, what motivates us to take action, be it good or bad. As an intention, they have consequences and are also responsible for our will, our life link, and our desire to keep us alive.


Karma in Jainism

In Jainism, the doctrine of Karma is distinctive. Unlike the vision from the Hindus, which purely is the Law of nature, Jainism believes that deeds and thoughts attract Karma and that a person’s actions from the past decide the quality of life he has now. Karma in Jainism is a physical matter present throughout the universe.


Karma in Spiritualism

What goes around comes around.

~Willie Nelson

Nowadays, one of the most accepted definitions of Karma is deriving from Spiritualism. Allan Kardec and his followers never used Karma; however, we correlate it with the Law of “cause and effect,” much discussed by the Spiritualist doctrines.



When we reincarnate, we automatically take the previous set of Karma with us. These are the consequences and needs of our actions related to an earlier life. Suppose we have had a life of many problems and disagreements. In that case, we tend to reincarnate in a family with the same issues so that we can heal and, in the future, achieve enlightenment in a complete spiritual plane.


Karma is the universal Law of cause and effect. You reap what you sow. You get what you earn. You are what you eat. If you give love, you get love. Revenge returns itself upon the avenger.

~ Mary Browne


Family Karma: What Is That?

Like gravity, Karma is so basic we often don’t even notice it.

~ Sakyong Mipham

One idea that is intrinsically linked to Karma is family karma. It has a genetic characteristic as it passes from generation to generation. Sometimes, a set of Karmic patterns can follow entire generations of the same hereditary lineage. Often a specific Karmic pattern of ours is not from our past lives, but from our parents’ lives.

But how is this possible?


 Like gravity, Karma is so basic we often do not even notice it.

~Sakyong Mipham


Even if we are healthy spiritual beings, these evils can also contaminate us if we have spiritually ill parents. Parents who have been abused, traumatized, and living in trouble, can – even unintentionally – pass on these negatives to our future lives.

So, when we do not have a good relationship with our parents, we are much more likely to inherit family karma. In this way, we may solve their energetic blockages and help them to reincarnate more and more in more propitious and harmonic environments.

It is the spiritual Law of Karma in action here and the Law of Reciprocity and the healing power of love.


How Do I Know If I Have Family Karma 

I believe in Karma. If the good is sown, the good is collected.  When positive things are made, that returns well.

~ Yannick Noah

Well, we all have at least some family karma. This does not always mean that Karma is terrible. Often our family’s Karma is so positive that our future lives’ actions cause us to evolve much faster as beings of light. Sometimes, our ancestors already cleared our Karmic lineage, that many things manifest like magic on our paths.

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However, when you carry more massive Karma from past families, some symptoms are the most common. Among them, we can highlight the following.

  • You find yourself much more sensitive with your current family. You can even feel patterns in your ancestors that go – and repeat themselves – in your present parents, and even on yourself.
  • Strange discussions or events within the family may happen. They will involve you in most cases because your family energy and your Karma are in constant energy dialogue.
  • You feel heavy and burden with many responsibilities.

This is an extremely normal situation since your subconscious needs to evolve and consolidate your life’s family karma. Whether to relive them in later lives or to close the Karma cycle to say goodbye to them in this lifetime.

Sometimes you need to learn how to disconnect from your old family and carry out your current mission and fully realize your life purpose yourself.

  • High spiritual development. You have, even in your countenance, a spiritual aura that pleases those who love you. Your mind is more connected with the issues of Spiritual life, and you are very connected with your own soul. You feel more prepared to discuss the various problems that go beyond human understanding.


How to Say Goodbye to Family Karma

Our life is what our thoughts make it.

~ Marcus Aurelius

However, we have often evolved as beings of kindness and love. However, we still do not get rid of this family karma, which even seems to recurrently trap us on the earth plane.

Traumas from past lives always pass through the generations and reach their current parents. In other words, your relationship with them will never be totally perfect.



To get away from this family karma, it is necessary to reflect on the reasons that originated it.  It may be required to return to the past and explain what happened.

When you see yourself as self-reliant, you may realize that you should not be taking care of your family’s unsolved problems. But yes, from your mind, while a sentient being, you should always use compassion and understanding as tools to undo karmic blockages. At least to do not create additional karmic layers to pre-existing Karma.

There is no secret formula to cleanse Family Karma. Still, rituals of gratitude and forgiveness are very efficient in dissolving traumatic energies.


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Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

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