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Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2021 for Each Zodiac Sign

Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2021 for Each Zodiac Sign

Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2021

The Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2021 shows May has the Wheel of Fortune and the energy of liberation in the background for all Zodiac signs.

Monthly Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2021



To better understand how the background energy of the Wheel of Fortune Card affects the Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2021, read The Wheel of Fortune Card: Tarot Arcane May 2021


Find Your Sun Sign in the Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2021

Tarot Card: The Star

STRENGTH OF WILL FOR ARIES The fifth month of this cycle indicates that you will be even more filled with faith, hope, and confidence in yourself, Aries. Take advantage of this romantic, affectionate, and dedicated side that is hovering in the air to strengthen ties with all those who love you. Professionally, continue to be guided by your excellent work, your polished talent. With the help of those who admire you and accompany your effort within the company. Finally, think positively. In this phase, you will put countless projects into action, and you will end up achieving even more prominence and prestige before your team, your family, friends, and partner.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Aries


Tarot Card: The Tower


May opens a crucial moment for you to renew, transform and reinvent everything around you, Taurus. Precisely for this reason, be at the side of the people who love you, take with them the changes of course, and get their help with suggestions for successful and sensible decision-making. In this way, start getting rid of the bonds, traumas, fears, and pains of the past, because when you leave hatred, resentment, and anguish behind, everything will start to work more lightly in your heart.

Professionally, invest in new ideas and change your attitude as a leader, making accurate recycling in the environment and in your way of acting in the company, as this will undoubtedly bring differences and will please you a lot.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Taurus


Tarot Card: The High Priestess


This Arcanum suggests a much more peaceful, simple, balanced, and fluid month for you, Gemini. This is because, both in love, in your professional, spiritual, family, and educational lives, your rhythm will be slower, more attentive, and reflective so that you will end up prioritizing what really matters now. Make a point to act with excellence, focus, and quality. Regarding your dating or marriage, trust and stability will come once and for all, making you start to prioritize attention and listening above all else.

Finally, you will also have more time dedicated to self-care and spirituality, with solitary and introspective activities. Ensure your loved ones that it is not a matter of indifference or apathy, but only of space, self-growth, and self-love.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Gemini


Tarot Card: The Empress


The Tarot Card for this month reveals that times of instability, weakness, and boredom may be starting for you, Cancer. And this will not only be a scenario in the spiritual life and the professional, love, and family life. This may be happening because you will have to give up some advantages and points facilitated by people, relationships, privileges, and a lot of luck.

Consequently, you may be somewhat demotivated about these difficulties and challenges because they may end up appearing during new plans that are already quite complex.

Finally, fear, laziness, or even a lack of willpower will make quitting and reluctance start to haunt you for a long time. Try to fight it, as it will be fleeting, believe me.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Cancer



Tarot Card: The Universe


The symbol of this Card is strongly linked to prosperity, fertility, success, love, and abundance, Leo. This is because the influence foreseen for your sign will directly affect your loving family and also your professional life. If you happen to be single or unemployed, take the opportunity to receive promising proposals and interesting advances from where you least expect it. So, prepare your heart. Your talent and your savings for a start realizing plans that were on paper for a long time.

Because this month promises a significant turnaround in your life as a whole. Be happy like never before. Believe in the magic of second chances.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Leo


Tarot Card: The Devil


May will really be the month of discoveries, transformations, and new horizons, Virgo. So, look forward to many displays of affection, desire, forgiveness, patience, and potential, whether concerning your marriage, family members, company, or even your longtime friends. In addition, take the opportunity to live adventures and unexpected moments in excellent company, and you can even realize some of your most intimate dreams and projects very soon.

Be careful not to instigate or feel the need for possession or control of the other since the command of various situations will be divided. You will need to deal with working together and more balanced relationships for all.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Virgo


Tarot Card: The Judgment


This phase indicated by the tarot will be significant so that your sense of justice, generosity, equality, and peace becomes even more apparent, Libra. This is because you will experience some trials, challenges, and breaches of expectation, having to defend tooth and nail the person you. You may have to defend what you still want to accomplish through what you believe. However, you will do very well despite these frictions.

The disagreements you may have with the unjust, dishonest, and malicious people will prove how wholehearted you are and prepared to be a mirror of the people around you, able to go even further in the name of your personal dreams, truths, and plans.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Libra


Tarot Card: The Fool


This will be an excellent time to face new challenges and start treating the people you love in a lighter, fairer, more relaxed, and affectionate way, Scorpio. In addition, you can and should try to have fun, take care of yourself, educate yourself and value yourself more. Start doing important things for yourself in addition to work, studies, and the bureaucracies of adulthood.

Lovingly, be on the lookout for passing novels and try not to get attached if the person does not show the same intention and disposition as you. In your professional life, be very attentive to proposals and willing to impress the superiors who observe you and believe in your work because soon you will be recognized for that and will have grateful paths to follow.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Scorpio



Tarot Card: The Chariot


In the fifth month of the year, this tarot card symbolizes various situations with a controlling side of yourself, Sagittarius. Thus, it will be necessary to amplify your attention and express yourself with much more caution.

Especially in front of people so that they do not doubt your intentions or feel coerced by your assertive figure. Besides, you will endeavor to escape deception, tricks, scams, and minor daily corruptions from the company, family, and less close acquaintances. Fortunately, you will be able to get rid of all that negative charge that will try to affect you on all sides. In doing so, you will kick in the energy of prosperity in your professional and personal life since your leadership spirit, and Your character will positively boost your profile.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Sagittarius


Tarot Card: The Temperance


The indication of the tarot with this Card is closely linked to a moment of great wisdom, calm, dominance, self-knowledge, and serenity, Capricorn. In this way, both of your paths will tend to follow a more fluid and continuous rhythm, initiating good forecasts for your year. You will be able to turn the tide in your favor, once and for all, in situations that seemed unfavorable or even impossible.

Those same situations will provide a new experience through what you have always dreamed of. Take advantage of these moments as a gear to transform your way of seeing and positioning yourself in the world.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Capricorn

See Also


Tarot Card: The Hermit


The advice given through this Arcanum is: be more aware of possible friction, hurt, disappointment, and deep heartbreak, Aquarius. Bearing this in mind, start to observe actions, words, feelings better, and regular positions, even from colleagues at work. To try to cope and remember that everything that is beyond what is necessary tends to become a burden. So closures and departures can sometimes be the best solutions.

However, be fair and be vigilant with yourself.

Mistakes and miscalculations are possible when least expected. So regret, self-criticism, and forgiveness need to be part of your vocabulary during these transformative times.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Aquarius


Tarot Card: The Hanged Man


The Tarot card for You Pisces indicates that May will be somewhat complex, busy, intense, and transforming for you. You will be stumbling over some obstacles and making significant adjustments with your own ideas, independently of them being professional and emotional, personal, or spiritual.

Pisces, you will be able to be a little more upbeat and move away from people. We mean those who do not seem to be on the same wavelength as you.

During this period, you will also end up realizing that introspection plays an essential role in your daily life and that, precisely for this reason, you will be able to carry out reflections and personal projects that seemed distant. That is, believe more in your potential for creation and change.

Click here to read about Your Monthly Horoscope, Pisces



If you enjoyed the Tarot Astrology Forecast May 2021 for Each Zodiac Sign, you will also enjoy The Wheel of Fortune Card: Tarot Arcane May 2021


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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