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Mark Anthony – The Afterlife Frequency

Mark Anthony – The Afterlife Frequency

Mark Anthony

Mark Anthony, also known as the Psychic Lawyer, is a world-renowned fourth-generation science-based, evidential, psychic medium who communicates with spirits.

An Interview with Mark Anthony – The Afterlife Frequency

Interview by Sandie Sedgbeer



Stories of spirit communication, near-death experiences, and deathbed visions have always been a part of the human experience. Given that there have been so many books and TV programs focused on these topics of late, one might imagine such experiences to now be an accepted fact. But still, some find it hard to believe in an afterlife, let alone that there could be communicating with dead people. If you’re among them, read on. Mark Anthony has unparalleled credentials and experience in the paranormal world. The stories and science he shares are difficult to ignore.

Mark Anthony is a frequent speaker at international conferences, universities, and radio and TV. He’s also the author of the groundbreaking and critically acclaimed spiritual best-sellers Evidence of Eternity, Never Letting Go and The Afterlife Frequency, The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact, and How That Awareness Will Change Your Life, which bridges the divide between faith and science with a fascinating afterlife exploration that combines physics, neuroscience, and riveting true stories.

To listen to the full interview of  Mark Anthony by Sandie Sedgbeer on her radio show, What Is Going OM on OMTimes Radio, click the player below.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, you’re an Oxford-educated trial attorney, licensed to practice before the United States Supreme Court. You studied mediumship in England at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College for the Advancement of Psychic Science, which incidentally is just a stone’s throw from where I’m sitting right now.

Mark Anthony: I’ve so many fond memories of England and Oxford, of course, but such cherished memories of the Arthur Findlay College.

Sandie Sedgbeer: And certainly, a deep history of communication with the other side in this country.

Mark Anthony: You know, that’s true. Britain has always been at the forefront of the understanding of spirit communication. Indeed, spiritualism developed very heavily in the mid-19th century. Queen Victoria was a big proponent of spirit communication, particularly after her beloved Prince Albert died and, you know, Sandie—and I’m sure you’re aware of this. Still, there are rumors that she met a teenage psychic, Robert James Lees, who could facilitate contact between her and Prince Albert. Rumor has it that she had him moved into Buckingham Palace for a period. I discovered in my research that first lady Mary Todd Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln’s widow, used to keep in touch with Queen Victoria. Mary Todd Lincoln was a massive proponent of psychic mediums and consulted with them often, particularly after her son, Willie Todd Lincoln, died. Then, of course, after her husband, Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated.

So, Great Britain’s always been on the cutting edge and the forefront of psychic science. Based on my research, I also believe that Britain was the first country to develop a covert psychic warfare division in the 1930s, so there’s a lot of amusing stuff with Great Britain and spirit communication.


Sandie Sedgbeer: I wonder whether that is because we have a history that goes way back to the Druids and even before them. So, it’s kind of in our DNA, so to speak—these ancient stories, belief systems, and knowledge.

Mark Anthony: Yeah, I think that that’s true. I mean, spirituality is everywhere. But I’ve spent such a great deal of time in Britain; I’ve spent a lot of time in Wales, Scotland, and, and of course, England, and there’s just something there.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, you were born into a family where psychic mediumship abilities have spanned generations, so it’s in your DNA too.

Mark Anthony: It is. My father’s family was very waspy: White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. They were from Pennsylvania, and they were of the Baptist faith. His grandfather founded a Baptist church in the small town he grew up in. My dad was in the US Navy, and he was a Navy Seal.

He was at a USO dance after he got out of the military, and he spotted this foxy dame. It’s how he used to talk, and of course, that was my mother. He thought she was maybe 30 years old because she looks so sophisticated. My mother worked at a high-end department store in the fashion department, and mom said, well, yeah, I dressed to the nines because I got the employee discount. Her family had immigrated from Italy. Her grandmother, my great-grandmother, Giovanna, was actually referenced in a four-hour special that PBS did about the Italian Americans. They had pictures of Giovanna and referenced her psychic abilities.

So, I’ve tracked these back to the 1890s, and I’m assuming it goes further.

So, my parents connected, and after a few dates, my mother said, ‘there’s something that I need to tell you about me. I can see spirits.’ And my dad goes, ‘Oh dear Lord. I do too. ‘


Sandie Sedgbeer: I’m curious to know why, with such a well-developed, multidimensional right-brained approach to life, you chose to become a lawyer.

Mark Anthony: I’m laughing because not a day goes by that I don’t reflect on that. Initially, I wanted to go into the clergy, which is not unusual for a medium––you know, we’re drawn to the spiritual––but I felt there were too many rules and regulations. So, I decided to go into law and talk about jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire regarding rules and regulations! I liked the law because I liked the logical approach; I enjoy public speaking and the ability to help people with complex problems. I think that a lot of our lives are predestined.

So, I believe that I was supposed to go through that incredibly left-brained profession because those are transferable skills. When I went public as a medium, these skills proved invaluable. That’s why I take an evidential approach to mediumship. That’s why I went to Arthur Findlay College because I admire British evidential mediumship. Being a lawyer, you need evidence, but you also help people. And then, being a medium, you’re helping people by facilitating communication with their loved ones in Spirit. But, still, you have to have credibility by bringing forth pieces of information that can be objectively verified. So, in other words, evidence.

Sandie Sedgbeer: Being a psychic and a medium, you probably get asked a lot if that has ever interfered with your job as a lawyer, dealing with somebody perhaps who was telling a different story to what you knew to be true?

Mark Anthony: I was a prosecuting attorney for the state of Florida, then I shifted over to the criminal defense, and then my practice grew not just to encompass criminal work but also civil trial work involving personal injury and accident cases. And at the risk of being facetious, it’s almost a foregone conclusion, particularly in the criminal arena, that people are going to lie to you. My job is not to sit in judgment of somebody, but rather to protect their rights so they may tell me one thing in the police reports and eyewitness statements tell me another.

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Sandie Sedgbeer: So let’s talk about your latest book, The Afterlife Frequency. Unlike many books in this genre, it delves very deeply into the science behind these profound experiences, which are all forms of what you term interdimensional communication. So explain to us how this communication happens.

Mark Anthony: I wrote my first book, Never Letting Go, as a guide to help people get through grief and how spirits can help you do that. After that, I wrote Evidence of Eternity because I wanted to explain things more clearly. Still, I wanted to go even further with The Afterlife frequency. I believe that everything has a logical explanation, including the afterlife, God’s existence, and spirit communication. And so that is what motivated me to take all of those disciplines and then do the more profound research into quantum physics because that’s where it all can be explained. Everything on the quantum level is also affecting us constantly.

Everybody is capable of having a psychic or mediumistic experience. However, not everybody is a medium. The thing is, we all have the same basic physiology. We have a pineal gland in our brain, and we have the solar plexus at the bottom of the rib cage just above the pit of the stomach. And these are the two psychic receptor areas.


Continue to Page 2 of the Interview with Mark Anthony


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