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Dr. Deepak Chopra: Way of Miracles

Dr. Deepak Chopra: Way of Miracles

Dr. Deepak Chopra The Way of Miracles

The following article is an edited transcript of an interview conducted by Sandie Sedgbeer with renowned new thought teacher and best-selling author, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Quantum energy healer and nutritional therapist, Mark Mincolla, Ph.D., and award-winning producer and director, Christina Vircillo Bresson about the book and movie, The Way of Miracles.

The Way of Miracles  – Exclusive Interview with Dr. Deepak Chopra, Mark Mincolla, Ph.D. and Christina Vircillo Bresson

Interview by Sandie Sedgbeer



With climate change, Covid, geopolitical upheaval, and war causing stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and ill health across the globe, there’s never been a more important time to discover that regardless of what is happening around us or to us, we all have the power to create miracles that can transform our health, our lives, and the future of humanity.

If you find that hard to believe, then check out the ground-breaking, multi-award-winning film, The Way of Miracles, which follows the work of holistic practitioner, quantum energy healer, and nutritional therapist Dr. Mark Mincolla. Along with compelling interviews from celebrated luminaries in the field, including Dr. Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Rupert Sheldrake, Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. among others, plus true stories of people who have created miracle healings in their lives, the movie takes us on a transformative journey into miracle healings, which, in the words of Deepak Chopra “should convince you that life and existence are miracles, and healing is a return to our original state of true awareness and bliss.”

The following article is an edited transcript of an interview conducted by Sandie Sedgbeer with renowned new thought teacher and best-selling author, Dr. Deepak Chopra: Chopra, Quantum energy healer and nutritional therapist, Mark Mincolla, Ph.D., and award-winning producer and director, Christina Vircillo Bresson.

Watch the full interview with Dr. Deepak Chopra, Mark Mincolla, Ph.D., Christina Vircillo Bresson, and Sandie Sedgbeer, host of What Is Going OM on OMTimes Radio, on the player below from the OMTimesTV Youtube channel.


Listen to the full interview with Dr. Deepak Chopra, Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.,  Christina Vircillo Bresson.

Dr. Mark Mincolla The Way of Miracles Dr. Deepak Chopra
Click to learn more.

Sandie Sedgbeer: Christina, if I could start with you, the timing of this documentary couldn’t be more perfect. The world badly needs miracles, so tell us how it came about, whose idea it was, and how the three of you came together in its production.

Christina V. Bresson: I’d been working with Deepak for years in this field, and Mark was brought to my attention. I started to look him up and saw he’d dedicated his life to healing others and the 60,000+ patients that he’s seen. The results were incredible, and I thought, this is a story that must be told. I wanted to bring a lot of the work that Deepak and I had been doing and thread it throughout the film through Mark’s stories and these patients’ stories, which are incredible, and thread the science through it. That’s how the whole thing came together.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Dr. Deepak Chopra, you’ve been writing about quantum healing, infinite potential, super genes, reinventing the body, and resurrecting the soul for many years. You’ve created your documentaries and appeared in many others, so none of this was new to you. What excited you about getting involved with this particular project?

Dr. Deepak Chopra: I’ve always been interested in healing. I’ve always had this insight that there is no biological explanation for any experience right now. All that’s happening in the nervous system is electrochemistry. When you’re looking at me, you hear sound. There’s no sound in your brain. No images. No colors. We experience the universe. So, in my view, existence is a miracle, and if existence is a miracle, then every moment is a miracle. The word miracle means to be filled with wonder, so if you’re not filled with wonder every second of your existence, then your humanity is incomplete. I wanted to make this point that anyone who thinks that every moment, including disease, birth, and death, we don’t know why we have experience. Consciousness is a miracle. After that, everything is a miracle. That’s why I wanted to make this point. It’s the return of the memory of wholeness. That’s it.

Sandie Sedgbeer: That’s true, but I think, as Mark’s book proves, people do need a bit of science to give credibility to the idea. I think this is something that everybody, everybody in the world, needs to understand. So, Mark, your latest book is The Way of Miracles. Did you write the book before or after the movie?

Dr. Mark Mincolla

Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: From the beginning, I started writing the book as Tina and I were mapping everything out for the film. So, I wrote it in parallel with the filming.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Christina, Mark has seen many in the people he’s worked with. How did you choose which stories to share in the film?

Christina V. Bresson: I wanted to make sure that we had different healing stories in the film, so there would be something for everybody because depending on where you are in your awareness in this space, you have a different perspective, so we wanted to have healing stories that were associated with around food as medicine, the effects of your emotional health and your thoughts on your physicality, and go deeper into the spiritual nature and then go all the way into the soul.

So, I wanted to span across the various patient’s stories so that as a viewer, there’s something for you when you come to the film. Ultimately, it spans this whole-person medicine.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Deepak, the movie, and Mark’s book address super consciousness. What is super consciousness, and how does it relate to healing and miracle-making?

Dr. Deepak Chopra: In wisdom traditions, super consciousness is pure consciousness without being modified in the conditioned mind. When the mind is conditioned through economics, history, race, and everything we call experience, it never gives us access to the truth because your mind tells you your body’s a 3-dimensional, physical entity.

That’s not true either.

So, what is consciousness? Consciousness modifies itself with experience and mind, the body, emotions, words, perceptions, and any sensation, image, feeling, and thought. That’s what consciousness modifies itself into. Before it changes itself into that experience, it has certain qualities:

1. it’s a field of infinite possibilities, it’s formless, it’s self-organizing,

2. it’s self-regulating, and it’s creative. So left alone, pure consciousness is all you need for self-regulation—homeostasis, which we call healing.

So, every modality of healing, to some extent, must access pure consciousness. What Dr. Mincola is calling ‘superconsciousness’ is pure consciousness without modifying itself into mind. As soon as you have a thought that’s not consciousness, the source of thought is consciousness.

Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, you’ve been practicing as a nutritional therapist and quantum energy healer for many years, and you’ve witnessed countless miracles. You led a relatively healthy life, yet you also had your own experience of life-threatening illness from which you cured yourself. How did you do that?

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Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: Well, right in the middle of the film, as we were getting ready to create an opportunity for those patients to tell their unique, remarkable miracle stories, I was bitten by a Lyme tick, and I got very sick with Lyme disease, and essentially was paralyzed for the better part of two weeks. The physicians that I work with, many friends of mine in different hospitals, were not convinced I would be able to walk again. I did some very serious soul searching during that period, and I decided that I wanted to confront myself.

I’d fallen on a hard tile bathroom floor and spent 14 hours on the floor, and during that time, I had some very serious questions about my life.

I confronted myself deeply about how I felt about living if I couldn’t move my body anymore.

If I was in a wheelchair, if I was crippled, if I was disadvantaged to that extent, would I still be able to muster up the spirit to do what I’ve always wanted to do, what I was planning on doing in this case, and I didn’t have an answer?

So about 25 minutes go by in the middle of this question — do I want to continue to live and do what I’m doing if I’m profoundly compromised? – and I didn’t have an answer.

Continue to Page 2 of the Interview with Dr. Deepak Chopra, Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.,  Christina Vircillo Bresson


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