Dr. Deepak Chopra: Way of Miracles

Then suddenly, out of the blue, I started screaming for help, which showed me that I wanted to live. That’s how I knew how I wanted to continue regardless, unconditionally.
I was alarmed and shocked by the fact that I was so driven to call for help, and that’s what awakened me to that possibility. From that point on, I started putting the pieces of a different vision together for myself. Visualizing myself well, capable, fully engaged physically, healed, and whole, and more than capable of doing the work I so dreamed of doing. My life changed. My body changed; my cells changed. I’m convinced that the supplements I took, the nutrition plan I was on, and the different therapeutic adjuncts were very important in the healing process. But the single most important thing that brought me through that and took me to the next level of my work was that my deeper mind was determined to do stuff. I was fully dedicated to seeing it through and being well. And then it happened. I became whole again, and I’ve been fine ever since.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Christina, several luminaries that appear in The Way of Miracles. Tell us who they are and why you chose them.
Christina V. Bresson: Obviously, Dr. Deepak Chopra is in the film, and we know all about his work. Dr. Shamini Jain talks about the science of the biofield. So that’s the bridge between the mind and the body and is governed by consciousness. So, when Mark’s doing work, tapping into people, he’s tapping into this conscious living space. We have Dr. Paul Mills, who’s done much work with Deepak at the Chopra center, research on the importance of gratitude and an open heart and just the biological effects on inflammation. Self-love is also an important part of this film, so Rollin McCraty from Heart Math Institute. Bruce Lipton talks about epigenetics. Menas Kafatos speaks about understanding reality’s deeper nature, which is very exciting for me to share in this film. And Rupert Sheldrake. I was so fortunate to have them all and thread them throughout the film. Throughout the patients’ healing stories and Beverly Rubik, who coined the word biofield – it’s an incredible line-up.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Deepak, tell us what science reveals about the connection between the heart or the unconsciousness and the neuroscience of miracles.
Dr. Deepak Chopra: Science is a methodology that involves three things: observation, experiment, and validation or falsification. Science is very limited in its ability to know fundamental truth. So, we should be very careful in differentiating science from scientism. Scientism is a religion, and science is a methodology. Science deals with less than 1% of human experience.
Nevertheless, from a scientific perspective, when you look at concepts like biofield, energy, and modalities like Reiki and nutrition, we’re beginning to understand that less than 5% of disease-related gene mutations are fully penetrant. So, somebody has a gene, as Angelina Jolie had. She had a mastectomy to prevent her from getting cancer, which was the right thing to do because few genes are fully penetrant in cancer, autoimmune, etc. Fully penetrant means they guarantee the disease.
I’m in conversation with people who are creating Crispr. In the next few years, you’ll be able to cut and paste genes the same way you cut and paste emails to remove the affected gene and insert the normal gene, and you should cure the disease. We are again, having said that only 5% or less will be affected by that. So, the rest of what we call healing is based on sleep, stress management, mind-body coordination, emotions, biological rhythms, connection to nature, transcendence, and directing attention and intention. True consciousness is modifying our experiences of sensation, which is feeling thought, a fundamental experience. The rest is a human story. Even science is a human construct. Right now, all the people who are fossils of scientism like Richard Hawkins and many others don’t know the difference between scientific methodology and scientism, which is a religion. Science itself is an activity in consciousness. Science does not explain consciousness. Quantum mechanics does not explain consciousness. It’s the other way around. Consciousness explains science! All these different modalities work synergistically to bring about the infinite.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, you say that as much as we may be reluctant to admit it, we are divine. We can’t be any less divine or any more human than we are. We are a perfectly imperfect dichotomy. Say more about that.
Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: I think of a metaphor like the Tai Chi circle (Ying Yang). I look at the Tai Chi circle and see a perfect circular whole: it’s made up of two mutually compatible opposites. There’s the dark with the light and the light with the dark. They’re representatives of the metaphor of who we are. We are light. We are dark. We are whole if we perceive ourselves as such.
We tend to separate ourselves from this in this culture. We’re raised to see ourselves with religious distortions, with the idea that we’re sinners, that we should be guilt-ridden, we did this wrong, we do that wrong, we make mistakes. We tend to focus on a judgmental spirit within ourselves.
I think it’s important to utilize the concept of the Tai Chi circle, for example, and see the beautiful part of our higher self and lower self, the beautiful part of our divine self and our broken child, our wounded child self, and see that there is a complete whole there.
There’s no greater beauty in our life than to embrace the wholeness of what we are. I’ve seen so many miracles healing over the years, remarkable healings, end-stage cancer.
Many patients I work with have done miracles. But many don’t see it that way. They don’t know their healing came about from themselves. They see that I did it, or that medicine did it, or that their family doctor or medical team did it. They just don’t know they did it. So, I think there’s a self-contempt fact in there that we need to evolve beyond into a place of unconditional self-love.
One of the things I often say to my patients goes home and check out your scrapbooks, your family photos. Find a picture of yourself at five years old and look at yourself as a five-year-old and see two things: innocence and deservedness.
There’s a purity there that we forget as we age. In many cases, we don’t do well moving from that earlier phase of our lives with innocence and deservedness into an adult phase where we see ourselves more critically. It’s important to realize that innocence and deservedness are never gone. They’re always there, for all eternity. It’s who we are and what we’re made of.
It’s conceptually representative of our whole total self. So, it’s important to create little exercises for people to tap into their innocence and deservedness.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Christina, you were already very aware of many things that the movie covers, but was there anything you learned that changed your perspective?
Christina V. Bresson: Absolutely. The film worked on me while I worked on it. Many of the wisdom that Mark or the luminaries were sharing had me going, ‘Oh my gosh. I do that.’ I was able to do a lot of inner alchemy work while I worked on the film, so that was eye-opening. When you see your issues, control or self-judgment or things so of course, it had a transformative effect on me, I came to the film mentally knowing a lot. Still, when you get into a practice, an embodiment practice, you really can have some inner transformation and build a deeper connection with yourself.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Deepak, you said we need to know ourselves in a new way, and your latest book, Meta-Human, unlocks the secret to moving beyond our present limitations to access a field of infinite possibilities. Meta-Human, what does that mean?
Dr. Deepak Chopra: Meta-Human means knowing yourself as not a person. There’s no such thing as a person. A person is a process in awareness, and awareness is formless and infinite, and that’s our true identity. As soon as you recognize that, you recognize that you as a person do not exist. That’s when you go beyond human to Meta-Human, where you know yourself as infinite, formless, fundamental without cause, non-local.
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A veteran broadcaster, author, and media consultant, Sandie Sedgbeer brings her incisive interviewing style to a brand new series of radio programs, What Is Going OM on OMTimes Radio, showcasing the world’s leading thinkers, scientists, authors, educators and parenting experts whose ideas are at the cutting edge. A professional journalist who cut her teeth in the ultra-competitive world of British newspapers and magazines, Sandie has interviewed a wide range of personalities from authors, scientists, celebrities, spiritual teachers, and politicians.