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Rainbow Children and The Empathic Revolution

Rainbow Children and The Empathic Revolution

Rainbow Children

Rainbow children are sensitive and highly intuitive children. A rainbow child is an individual who is born with infinite wisdom and the ability to change the world around them. They bring the world the gifts of infinite love, compassion, tolerance, and patience.

Rainbow Children are Leading the Way



Our world is now blessed with rainbow children, children, teenagers, youth, and adults, intuitively talented and extremely loving individuals.

Our ancestors have long waited in the world for these children called rainbows. They have the ability to cross the shadow of the world and dispel it through their presence, brightness and joy. Unlike indigo children, they do not absorb negativity or carry inadequacy and lack of belonging. They are souls devoid of heavy Karma but full of compassion.

They are called Rainbow Children because they come to many races, different walks of life and help shift consciousness.

A rainbow child has an extraordinary “knowledge” of right and wrong and how to change and transform energy.


 The Indigos, the First to Arrive

An indigo child is a child who ushered in a new era and, although he has an extraordinary intuition, and this is wonderful, he can be influenced by the negativity around him. In contrast, a rainbow child changes the energy around them to meet the greatest needs of humanity.

Indigo children are evolving to become rainbow children. With practice and using their intuition, adults can also become rainbow humans by transforming themselves consciously.

One can achieve this transformation through becoming adaptable, accepting, becoming extremely affectionate, remembering, and calling into existence (with the memories of other times) and places the skills they already have.


 Empathy, Sensitivity, and Healing Powers of Rainbow Children

Usually, rainbow children have gifts of healing and mediumistic sensitivity that are much more developed than average and a deep connection with nature and animals precisely because they are people with the natural condition to exchange energies with the environment. They bring with them records of wisdom and knowledge of healing therapies.



Every human being is born with empathic abilities (feeling), capturing in his subconscious human thoughts and feelings of others since the beginning of his life.

The rainbow colors are associated with smiles and happiness because the human body is designed to absorb and assimilate the energy of the rainbow through sunlight. We have a rainbow within each of us, the chakras, which are our natural connection to the Divine Light and the physical light of the Sun. With a sufficient and balanced absorption of rainbow light, we feel much happier and more alive at every single moment of our existence.

Rainbow children have a completely open heart, love unconditionally, and heal with their immense heart chakras, enveloping everyone with their blankets of rainbow energy that the world so desperately needs.

They are angels on Earth. We are heading towards fascinating times on Earth. As rainbow children mature and populate the planet, we live a time of great peace, cooperation, and healing, where the Earth will be enveloped again by rainbow energy.


The Crystal and Indigo Children

Have you ever heard of indigo and crystal children? If your answer is “no,” then know that this topic can be exciting and even a wake-up call. Firstly, indigo children were the first to arrive in groups around the 1970s. It doesn’t mean we didn’t have indigo souls before, but we speak as a collective arrival.

At that time, many psychologists and psychotherapists observed the arrival of a large number of peculiar children. Then, around the 1980s, some crystal children began to reincarnate. But it was certainly around the year 2000 that they started to arrive in large numbers.


Who are these children?

The indigo and crystal children came to our planet with a great purpose.

Indigos were named in this way because of their indigo-blue auras. They are considered rebellious, intelligent, hyperactive, and artistic. They are often the most complicated children in the eyes of their parents, the ones who question most of all.

But something spiritually great is behind all these characteristics. The Indigos came to help the planet to go through a significant phase of atonements and trials.

They arrived to bring about the spiritual revolution and to lead the planet to energy regeneration, which the crystals have as their purpose.

On the other hand, crystal children are those who have bright white auras. They are mighty, have telepathic capacity, and, therefore, begin to speak later than other children. The world of crystal children is more straightforward, full of love and spiritual wisdom. They feel uncomfortable with pollution, lack of empathy, and malice.

As stated before, they are responsible for changing the planet’s energy vibration. Therefore, its mission is to assist in energy regeneration to put love and kindness in their intended power.

Indigo and crystal children are often those with attention deficit and anxiety, according to traditional medicine diagnoses. Because of this, many of them are or have been medicated to treat these diseases. However, nothing changes, as these characteristics are in their cosmic DNA and have nothing to do with these diseases.


The alliance between indigos and crystals

For indigo and crystal children, the ideal world is full of freedom and love. Both have very similar feelings and wants. These wills change the world, and they have them unconsciously, which is why they work so well.

The indigo’s questions are healthy and go hand in hand with the answers that the small crystals already have inside them. The revolt that exists within the indigo is ended with the attitude of the crystals since they are souls who understand the anger of the indigo.

That is why the alliance between indigo and crystal children is what tends to change the world. Indigos perform the analysis, and the crystals propose the solution upon research. With that, the world only manages to get better and better.


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emotional wounds OMTimes

The ideal world of indigos and crystals

These souls have already come free because they have become much more evolved than the others. Therefore, for indigo and crystal children to feel entirely at ease, their world must be filled with freedom as well.



The fresh air and the morning sun’s rays bring happiness, creativity gives strength to the construction of a better world, etc. For them, everything is quite simple and easy. Just ask a crystal what he thinks of animals to understand how his mind is full of love and empathy.

Just ask an indigo child what he thinks of the world, and then you will see how intelligent and revolutionary their vision is. Finally, indigo and crystal children are what we call revolutionaries through wisdom and love. They are really the manifestation of peace and goodness, even if they have to fight against the whole system.


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Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.


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